originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 4 31+ for fresh hard vog know what to do gt same as above
Atheon checkpoint on hardmode Message me N0vaTactix12 for an inv
Need help with Crota trying to get raid gear for titan need people to run the first part plz help
Need 5 Crota hard Crota checkpoint 32+ msg for inv
Starting VOG hard fresh run 30+ must have mic GT:Is Adaptz
VOG HARD GATEKEEPER SAVE -must me 30+ -msg JitterHype for inv
[2 more for Crota easy CP msg same gt as above for inv
Hard Crota CP need 2 lvl 31+ GT:same
Doing VOG hard fresh. Must 30 + and experienced.
Hosting vog normal then hard fresh runs. Need 5 must have Mic and raid experience. No kids please. Gt:militantbread message in game.
Crota's End, Normal, Deathsinger cp, anybody want to help me get some armour? im 29 and got 3 lvl 30+ already, room for 2 swordbearer welcome too, gt as above
Need 3 for crota hard 32+ including sword bearer. Gt brickboy700
Need 3 for gatekeeper hard msg me for inv
hard crota cp need 3 and a swordbearer must have max ghorn or hunger gt: Southern PFG
Crota hard. Crota cp. need 4 including a swordbearer. Lvl 32 with good rockets
ATHEON CP ON HARD Need 5 more Looking to do it 3 times, I have checkpoints on 3 characters MESSAGE Xfallenangls9X FOR INVITE
VOG HARD TEMPLAR cp 30+ msg Skierguy221 for inv or msg KING Fusi0N who is me for inv
Need 4 more for fresh hard mode VOG. Must have a mic. Message for invite.
Need experienced people 31+for Crota hard crota cp also need sword bearer msg for inv gt Forzania 360
I need a group to do crota normal. I'm a 30 Titan both subclasses maxe. Get is the same as above inv me pls
Need five for vog hard Templar cp message for inv
Need experienced people 31+for Crota hard crota cp also need sword bearer msg for inv gt Forzania 360
Need 5 for VoG hard fresh message me for inv GT karrick250
Templar hard need one w max gally
Starting vog hard Get same as above
Crota Hard Fresh msg for inv GT Wise Popsicle