originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Crota checkpoint on hard. Lvl 32. 4 more spots. Need sword bearer.
Edited by Dadashyam: 5/9/2015 7:23:52 PMNeed 4 for fresh normal crota message ishanom for inv 31+ only
Need 2 for CROTA hard check
Need four for Crota hard fresh message for invite
Need 4 crota normal cp no kids 30+ also need swordbearer message Thetitanium73
lvl 32 Titan with ghorn looking to do Templar or Crota on hard. gt:substreak487
Vog normal need 2 people fresh
Need 2 for Crota Hard, gt is same as username. We have a swordbear, just need people who are Titan or tracking rockets.
Need five for crota hard FRESH. Must have Mic message me on Xbox live for inv gt sane as above 31+
Need 5 for Crota's End on normal, fresh. Message FortyTwo42 for an invite.
Vog hard gatekeeper cp. 30+ be experienced. Gt same as above message for inv
Fresh Crota run on normal. Lvl 31+
VOG Hard Level 31+ Fresh Xbox 360 Gt MASTER OF N1GHT 1 more
Need 2 Vog hard last checkpoint Gt same as above
Crota Normal cp Must be 31+ Need 4 guardians Must have tracking rocket I am 32 swordbearer JOIN ASAP
Looking for people to do hard vog fresh start invite me or I'll start a team same gt
Hosting Hard gorgon checkpoint grab the chest on all 3 and go Msg DHG Voodoo TILT for inv
Need 5 for crota end fresh start. Gamertag is same. On normal
Level 27 defender looking to join any raid on normal fresh. Please inv me. Experienced Mic able GT Egg Rawr
Need 2 hard atheon cp on 360. Gt same as above
Crota's End, Hard, Deathsinger cp, room for 4 swordbearer needed also, gt as above
Need one to run the lambs on crota hard msg for invite gt same as above
Crota hard fresh msg for invite gt same as above
Need 3 for crota normal fresh message displacedmars83 for invite
Doing hard vog fresh gt same Must be lvl 30+
Need 1 hard atheon 360