originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Vog Templar hard 30+ msg for invite
Hard ATHEON checkpoint 32s
VOG hard oracles need 2 msg commanderjac for inv
VOG Hard Oracle Checkpoint. Need 2 more. 30+ ONLY. GT DankAutumn06693 (must have ice breaker)
Atheon hard 31+ final cp msg me gt same as above
Lvl 31 Hunter looking for Crotas End normal either fresh or bridge checkpoint. Also willing to host CE if others want to start it fresh as well!!!
Looking to do any raid!! I have 31 warlock or 30 hunter!
Crotas end hard 32+ msg for invite gt same as above need Gjally or hunger need swordbearer
Fresh VoG normql
[quote]Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)[/quote] Need 2 for hard vofg fresh 31+ msg me for inv gt same as above
Hosting vog hard fresh msg for inv
Doing hard crota crota cp 32 only must know what to do gt same as above msg for inv need 3
Need 4 for hard crota fresh. Msg SC0TTY B for inv.
Crota cp. normal. Need 3 more 31+. With tracking rockets.
Need 2 28+ Experinced Relic holders Vog fresh normal We are carrying a 24 Message me for inv FindingMEMO1234
[quote]Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)[/quote] Normal crota cp msg me for inv gt same as above 31+
Need 5 31-32 for crota hard fresh gt same
Doing crota tracking rockets only 31+ gt Magister Alex crota hard cp
Crota normal cp gt same as above 3 spots
Im a lv 31 Warlock looking to do VOG Deadly Killer W
Normal Fresh Crota. Need 4 more message on Xbox gamertag same as above
Looking for 4 lvl 30+ with VoG weapons for normal VoG fresh run gt same as above
Need 3 for crota hard check point msg xDUGxRULESx for invite
two 32 warlocks hosting fresh vog hard. No mics but we know what to do. I'll run relic. Message The 4g for invite.
Need 5 including sword bearer for hard crota co. Must have tracking rocket.
Need 5 including sword bearer for hard crota co. Must have tracking rocket.