originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 5 including sword bearer for hard crota co. Must have tracking rocket.
Need 5 including sword bearer for hard crota co. Must have tracking rocket.
Lvl 32 looking for atheon cp, have maxed weapons and lots of experience. Msg tool112
Atheon hard cp message skywalkee for invite. 30+
Level 32 warlock doing Crota normal fresh with level 29 warlock on 360
Need 2 for hard death singer cp lvl 32 only msg for inv ENDxEternity
- Templar Checkpoint Hard-Mode - 31+ - Mic Required - Gt same as above - Experience - No Assholes. - Don't Suck. - Message Me In Game on Xbox 360 - Need few more Join Up!
I have two level 32 characters, but I'm looking for a fireteam to take me through Crota Hard mode on my level 30. I know it'll pretty much me being carried but I have a maxed ghorn I'll have no problem with helping to down crota. If you're kind enough to help me, message on Xbox. Gamer tag: RiceHarvester
Need one more for hard Ir Yut! MSG for inv
Nf need 2
Yo join if you want to play HARD CROTA CP (Need one more person) TITAN PLSSSSS MSG for inv
Crota hard check. Need 4. Must be 32. Msg the gamertag above for invite. Pls have some sort of tracking rocket. Swordbearer would be helpful
Need 5 atheon hard gt abovr
Need Sword bearer For hard crota cp
crota hard bridge CP need 4 including ghallys/hunger and sword bearer. im a titan so ill do bubble distraction at crota cp. gt same as name message for invite
Need 2 28+ for atheon normal gt:Houperr
Need 4 for crota hard cp lvl 32 only need sword bearer as well get same as name
Vog normal fresh message gt above for inv
Crota normal death singer checkpoint gt: rocko1353
Crota Hard CP ●Need 5 ●Gally or Hoc ●32+ ●Need 1 Titan ●Need swordbearer Msg above Join quick
Hosting Crota Hard Raid CP -must be 32 -have mic -have hunger or gally -msg JitterHype fir inv
Level 32 Hunter, Titan, or Warlock looking to do a hard Crota checkpoint. Invite me if you need someone and are experienced. My GT is DeadlyHamster98.
Hosting hard templar msg for invite
Hard Crota cp message for inv. Gt same as above. Please have gally or hunger.
Hard Crota cp message for inv. Gt same as above. Please have gally or hunger.
Need two for Nightfall 31+