originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need two for Nightfall 31+
Need more for hard crota cp. message me on Xbox for invite
Need 2 32 for fresh hard vog gamertag same
Need 30s for Gatekeeper CP. Please have good maxed weapons, experience and a mic. Msg in game for inv. Gt: MateFeedKill8
Need five more for NORMAL CROTA CP. GT is same as above, message me for an invite.
VoG hard conflux lvl 30+ GT is same as above
hard crota cp need 2, 1 swordbearer lvl 32, mic required msg OG Jxson for inv
Atheon hard cp message skywalkee for invite. 30+
Hard mode vog need 5 gt: aceldamah 30+
Vog Hard Gatekeeper CP ●good weapons ●31+ ●msg above
Need 1 for hard crota cp Gt AGC Twitch
VoG hard fresh lvl 30+ GT is same as above
LF 3 People for hard VoG Msg a ViciousWhisper for INV MUST HAVE Mic No squeakers
hard crota cp lvl 32 with tracking rockets need swordbearer mic required Msg OG Jxson for inv
Looking for Vog Hard, CP oracles, templar, gatekeeper or atheon. X360, GT; Dual1ty HQ
Need 3 people for Fresh Normal Crota. Msg WUZ UP 7
Doing crota fresh hard 31+ msg me GT as above
Fresh Crota run on normal. 30+ need good weapons. Gt same as above need 5
Looking for 1 for Hard Crota Cp. Gt is same as above
I'm a level 32 titan looking for crota cp I have lots of experience I have finished it several times message TODDLERSTOMPER1 I also have all Maxed raid weapons ghalli ice breaker
Need 3 31+ for fresh hard Crota. Please have mic and tracking rockets.
Need 1 vog hard atheon checkpoint
Doing a fresh hard Crota run need 4 more people lvl 32+. Msg for inv gt same as above
Xbox 360 hard crota already have 4 in treated ?
need 1 32 for fresh hard crota msg for inv gt same as above
Crota's End, Hard, Deathsinger cp, room for 4, swordbearer needed also, gt as above