originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Hard Crota cp need 5
Need 3 bridge cp on hard 32 only. iKillerBarbiei
Need 3 for normal crota fresh
Need 3 for oracles 31+ must have good rockets gamertag same
Vog hard fresh if you have a checkpoint that you'd be great message me for an invite
Need 4 for crota norm
Need 3 for Crota CP Normal. Msg for invite
Need 1 for aetheon hard cp
Fresh crota normal. 31+ be experienced. If u are a swordbearer but sb in your invite. Gt same as above message for inv
Hard VoG Atheon cp
Crota normal fresh need 2
Need 5 hard crota desthsinger cp gt above
Looking for 5 who want to run crota normal from fresh. Must be 31 with maxed tracking rockets. I will run sword. Must have a mic.
Need 4 for fresh normal vog gt same
Vog hard Atheon cp 31+ message gt above for inv
Vog hard oracle cp need 4 30+ msg for invite gt same as above
Fresh hard vault of glass. Message me for invite, gamertag same as above. 32 Titan here.
Crota cp normal msg for inv same as above
Hosting crota cp on hard 31+ with tracking message on xbox live for invite. Same gt
Xbox 360 hard Crota's End Hard looking for four 32 players message me @ BIrdo Ben
[quote]Doing fresh normal crota be 30+ with tracking rockets. Send a message to killazone8795
Need 3 more for gatekeeper on hard msg chief8901 for an invite
Looking for 2 31+s for hard VoG fresh Just have mic and experience Message me only on Xbox gt same as name
Crota checkpoint normal
Lvl 32 Warlock HARD CROTA CP Lvl 31+ GT DankAutumn06693