originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Lvl 32 Warlock HARD CROTA CP Lvl 31+ GT DankAutumn06693
Need four ppl for hard crota FRESH Must have Mic 31+ message me on Xbox live for inv gt same as above
Crota normal need 3 32 Also someone to run sword no kids
Fresh hard vault of glass. Message me for invite, gamertag same as above. 32 warlock here.
Crota, Hard, Crota cp, room for 2 gt as above
One for nightfall. Gt same as above
Hard crota checkpoint 31+ must have gally or hunger of crota and must have experience. Message "exotic thorn" for invite
Hard crota checkpoint need. G horn or hunger
Need 2 for Crota normal Crota cp. gt same as above
Crota Hard Fresh ●Need 4 ●32+ ●Experienced ●Swordbearer ●Gally or Hoc ●Join quick
Need 3 crota gard bridge cp gt above
Looking for a team VOG hard. We have Templar checkpoint. Need 3. I don't care if you are lv. 30 or 32 or whatever. Just need 3 people. Message me on live for a invite. I will not respond here. My gt is the same as my diaplay name.
Need four for hard crota cp
Need 3 more for fresh vog on hard msg chief8901 for an invite
Need 1 for Vog hard message gt above
hard vog-antheon cp-32's only Message MrsLoonyPenguin for invite:]
Need 5 for Templar on hard Mic Gt TheGrimmShrimp
Need 5 crota hard bridge cp gt abovr
Need 4 for hard vog.. 30+.. Gt is same. Message for INVITE
Need 4 for Crota cp normal GT RCBurrito lvl 31+
Need 3 for VoG Hard Oracle Cp message BlazingXGamer for invite 30
Need 4 people for The Vault of Glass raid. 30+ only.
Fresh hard vault of glass. Message me for invite, gamertag same as above. 32 Hunter here.
Need 2. 32s for crota hard death singers
Crota hard fresh need 32 help
[quote]Need 5 for Gatekeeper cp on hard Message Primal Prodigy for invite[/quote]