originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
[quote]Need 5 for Gatekeeper cp on hard Message Primal Prodigy for invite[/quote]
Hosting fresh hard VoG. 30+ only. must have Mic. GT above. Message for invite
fresh crota hard lvl 32 with mic Need 4 rockets and 1 swordbearer msg OG Jxson for inv
vog hard gatekeeper lvl 31+ mic required msg OG Jxson for inv
Hard crota cp msg Anunymau5
Need 3 for crota hard cp message ErZa Rainz for a invite need someone to use the sword
32 swordbearer helping groups with hard crota. Message me on 360 and I'll help out, GT: Adamgamerworld
Edited by REACH_CARTER: 5/6/2015 9:01:02 PMFresh VoG Hard lvl 30+ message REACH CARTER
Someone have a crota checkpoint on hard We need 1. GT same as above
Someone have a crota checkpoint on hard We need 1. GT same as above
Need 3 for crota hard cp message ErZa Turnz for a invite need someone to use the sword
Need 3 fresh vog normal on 360. Gt same as above
Fresh Crota's End, Hard, room for 4 32s, swordbearer needed too, GT as above
32 Titan with Gally looking for a NORMAL Crota checkpoint! Gt is same as above.
32 Titan with Gally looking for a NORMAL Crota checkpoint! Gt is same as above.
Need 4 for crota normal fresh 31+ Gt same as above
Crota fresh on hard 31+ have mic please gt same as above.
Fresh Crota normal need 5 Also someone to run sword 30+ no kids
Need 5 for hard crota cp gt the same
LF 2 to do nightfall. Gt same as above
Looking to do fresh vog hard,lvl 32 hunter. Gt same as name
Anyone have a hard templar checkpoint?have 2 people
Vog hard gatekeeper 31+ msg for inv gt as above need at least Icebreaker or black hammer
31 looking for Any hard raid send invite to same GT
Need 5 30+ for hard oracles cp. I am a 32 hunter that is very experienced and can run relic. Mssge TGI ICE for invite