originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 5 30+ for hard oracles cp. I am a 32 hunter that is very experienced and can run relic. Mssge TGI ICE for invite
VOG hard from gatekeeper
Vog Hard Fresh Experience players. Mics req'd. Gt same as above
32 Titan with Gally looking for a NORMAL Crota checkpoint! Gt is same as above.
32 Titan with Gally looking for a NORMAL Crota checkpoint! Gt is same as above.
LF 2 to do nightfall
fresh hard vog-31+ message MrsLoonyPenguin for inv
Gatekeeper hard cp. Msg for invite.
Crota deathsinger cp 31+ must know what to do gt same as above msg for inv
Need 4 for crota hard crota cp need good rocket launcher message me for invite gt same as above
Looking for vog normal hunter 32 gt talmaxs inv me
About to do VOG HARD FRESH. Need 5. 30+. Mic req. MSG UnknownVelm on the 360 for an inv.
Lvl 32 Warlock HARD CROTA CP Lvl 31+ GT DankAutumn06693
Crota's End Hard Mode Deathsinger Checkpoint Need 3 players Experience Required Level 31+ Message: GanjaKilla420 x On xbox for inv
Crota checkpoint on hard need sword bearer message SIR PUFFLES for invite
Vog hard Conflux looking for 2 level 31
Vog hard Conflux looking for 2 level 31
Vog hard gatekeeper cp Message for inv Gt MYNNOJ
Nightfall, lvl 30 Gt same up top.
Need 5 for crota hard cp msg dannycraig85
Crota co hard 32+ gally and a mic and also a bearer want get it done today no fooling gt same as above send me a message for a invite
Willing to swordbear norm or hard gt same as above
2 32s looking to do crota hard fresh or cp message mini avatar or bradh96
Looking for Nightfall or VOG. Level 30, experienced hunter.
Need 2 more for hard Atheon GT is above
32 Titan looking to run vog hard fresh I am experienced get same as name