originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
32 Titan looking to run vog hard fresh I am experienced get same as name
Looking to join crota cp normal Gt Irish misfit
Looking for normal Crota cp. message for invite
Anyone with a Templar checkpoint? 32 warlock with gally will help inv me NTmaniac897
Looking to do any raid lvl 30 titan w all the fixins inv same gt as above
And I'm Lvl 30 hunter with a gally
Looking for normal Crota or Hard VOG ...Inv gt is same as username
Looking to join crota cp normal Gt Irish misfit
Lookin for fresh vog hard
msg me to join hard atheon. deadzone64
Have three that are looking to help with a templar checkpoint but we're too lazy to get there ourselves. If anyone has the checkpoint my Gt is same as above.
[u][b]Raid[/b][/u]: Crota's end [b][u]Difficulty[/u][/b]: Hard [b][u]Checkpoint[/u][/b]: Crota [u][b]Looking 4[/b][/u]: 3 people 32 [i][u][b]My stats [/b][/u][/i] Level: 32 Class: Titan Game style: Swordbearer Gt: Vinsia Message for invite ( On Xbox 360 ) Must have a mic
I need to do the vault I been waiting to for a long time
Need 2 for deathsinger cp norm gt is above
Looking for 5 32s for hard Crota FRESH Just have a mic and Gjallarhorn or Hunger of Crota (fully maxed) Message me ONLY on xbox gt same as name
31 Lock looking to run hard fresh crota, inv or msg hwskft
Conflux hard cp message for invite
LF 5 guardians for hard crota(fresh) with decent rockets.(No,one way ticket or hezen's vengeance is not decent). Msg:MLGpeanutbutter
Hosting CROTA Cp Hard 32 welcome Gally or HoC 360 MSG for INV Gt same as name
Crota cp on normal gt is same max gally level 32
2 lvl 32s with tracking looking to do crota fresh on normal. Send invite to gamertag above. Happy raiding to all!
VoG hard gatekeeper cp lvl 30+ GT is same as above
32 hunter looking for vog hard templar cp. Invite me.
Hosting a Crota hard fresh start I need 2 more including a titan lvl 31+ with ghorn or hunger message for invite gt same I'm sword bearer
Nightfall level 32+. Message me for invite, gt the same as above.