originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Vog hard fresh need 2 30+ gt same
Crota cp Need a sword bear Have 4 ghorns Gr above
Crota cp Need a sword bear Have 4 ghorns Gr above
nightfall lvl 31 + msg OG Jxson for inv
My friend and I have a Hard Deathsinger's checkpoint. Here are our generous requirements: -Level 32 -Must Have A Mic -Must Be Mostly Experienced -No Squeakers, (Sorry, Too Distracting) [b][i][u]-SO HELP ME GOD IF YOU DO NOT SAY PLEASE I WILL INVITE A LEVEL 13 BEFORE YOU.[/u][/i][/b] Message Us At: Sphixie SANDYBOYS123 We have Four slots, begin.
Need sword bearer for hard crota fresh gamer tag above
Starting a fresh normal vault of glass. Msg me for an inv. Get is the same as above
VoG normal. anyone can join. I am a warlock. gt same as above. message me
Need one for nightfall 31+ msg me for inv at xxCRAZZYKINGxx
Exotic chest giveaway on hard msg gt as above Xbox 360
Need 4 31-32 for crota hard fresh must have a mic and must have tracking rockets gt same
Nightfall need 2
Need 3 for fresh Crota normal one of which needs to be swordbearer. 31+ and a ghorn would be lovely. get same
Need 3 31+ for VoG hard mode oracles msg laserguy5000 for inv
2 lvl 31s looking for VOG normal or Hard Msg BeyondDivine4
Fresh normal crotas end need raid team and swordbearer gamer tag above level 32 only
Need 3 for fresh hard crota
Hard fresh, VOG. Need 1
Need 3 31+ for VoG hard mode fresh msg laserguy5000 for inv
Edited by Whale Tail Soup: 5/5/2015 7:58:00 PMCrota norm deathsinger 31+ need 2 message microchaff2 for invite
Need 2 for hard crota fresh message ErZa Rainz for a invite
Need 2 for hard crota fresh message ErZa Rainz for a invite
Fresh normal VOG run Message for inv
[quote]Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)[/quote] Normal crota at death singer msg me for inv gt same as above 30+
[quote]Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)[/quote]
Need 5 for normal crota Must have tracking rockets We have a swordbear Msg the gt above for inv