originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 5 for normal crota Must have tracking rockets We have a swordbear Msg the gt above for inv
Fresh crota raid on hard. Messag " help her out" on xbox for inv
[quote]Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)[/quote] Normal crota fresh msg me for inv gt same as above
fresh hard crota-32's only message MrsLoonyPenguin for invite:]
FRESH NORMAL CROTA! Must be Lvl 31+ and experienced and have a mic. Swordbearer would be nice :) Message LOZ MIESTER for an invite
Crota checkpoint on hard 32 need a swordbearer and a Titan msg same GT for inv
Doing normal crota 3 times let me know if you wana join
Looking to join a hard crota at crota cp 32 Hunter GT same as above (Max hunger of crota/icebreaker)
Want to run fresh crota normal, invite hwskft
Need 5 for Crota's End on hard, CROTA CHECKPOINT. Message FortyTwo42 for an invite. Please be 32.
Need 3 more for hard crota at crota msg for inv GT same as name X360
Need 3 for Hard Crota including a Swordbearer. Gt same as above
Hosting hard Fresh Vault of Glass. Level 30+ and message CompositeAxis99 for invite
The Vandercoon
Need 5 for Crotas end deathsinger checkpoint normal message me GT karrick250
Need 3 for VOG hard. 31 and above only, must have experience. GT same as above.
Need a team for hard crota fresh run msg gt same for invite
Need 3 people for hard crota (at crota cp) Must be 32 with mic and experience with the raid GT: BRUTALxVENOM
VOG Hard Oracles cp Lvl 30+ and have experience please Need 4 more people to join, so message FlaxenJewel094 on Xbox live for an inv
Death singer cp crota normal. Need a sword bearer. Gt same as above message for inv
Hard crota cp need 1
Need 5 for Crotas end deathsinger checkpoint normal message me GT karrick250
VoG ATHON cp hard level 31+ gt same as above
Normal CE, Crota Cp. Need 4 guardians, Mic is a must. No noobs, Msg for inv? Gt is the same.
Crota hard fresh 32s only Gally or hunger Experience Gamer tag above
Atheon Hard cp need 2 message "exotic thorn" for invite