originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 30s for Fresh hard VOG . Must have good maxed weapons, experience and a mic. Msg in game for invite. Gt : MateFeedKill8
Normal fresh Crotas end message Alex2yfire for invite
Need 5 for Crota's End on hard, fresh. Message FortyTwo42 for an invite. Please be 32.
Hosting fresh vog normal message killahq72
Looking for 2 for VoG or crota . 30+. Gt-D4 Slays
31 warlock looking for fresh crota. Have hunger
Need 2 including a Swordbearer for Hard Deathsinger cp. Max Ghorn recommended. Gt same as above
Level 32 Titan looking to do hard Crota Or normal VOG I have a maxed out hunger. Gt is same as above invite me if yall have room.
Can anyone run a level 27 in nightfall. If you can thank you. Send a message to killazone8795 for invite
Hosting a fresh vog on hard. Have experience and decent weapons/gear. I want to run through quick. Gt same message on xbl for invite
Need 3 more 32s with max hoc or ghorn to run Crota hard cp! :D
Edited by ArtemisStreet: 5/4/2015 1:21:34 AMVoG normal need 2 fresh run gt same. Message for invite.
At hard crota cp message Alex2yfire for invite
Looking 2 do Crota message RelativeAxe9527 level 30 and up
Vog normal need 4 fresh run gt same
Vog normal need 4
32 hunter looking for NORM Crota fresh I have max gally I could be sword whe we get to Crota gt same as above
Need three for hard conflux vog. Gt same as above for inv.
Hard Crota cp message Harry69Corndog
Need 4 for hard crota cp message for invite
Need 5 for hard deathsinger cp. Msg for inv
Crota hard cp gt same
Need 3 more 30+ for Atheon Hard checkpoint message gt BryanBFLYin for invite
Edited by RandomEnrique: 8/19/2015 11:14:44 PMGamertag= RandomEnrique Lvl 32-33 Hunter want to do Vog on normal or hard
Edited by IKillerBarbieI: 5/3/2015 11:48:01 PMNeed a swordbearer Crota cp hard. iKillerBarbiei
Looking for a solid team of guardians to do a fresh normal vog followed by a fresh hard. If you have a cp that's cool. Gt is same as above message for invite.