originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Looking for a solid team of guardians to do a fresh normal vog followed by a fresh hard. If you have a cp that's cool. Gt is same as above message for invite.
32 titan looking for normal crota cp gt same as name
Need a full team of 32s for hard mode Crota cp. Requirements... Must be a lvl 32 Need at least one Titan Need at least one Warlock Need at least one Hunter Need a swordbearer Must have a maxed Ghorn or HoC Msg laserguy5000 for an invite
Crota hard 32s only gt: rocko1353
Need a full team of 32s for hard mode Crota cp. Requirements... Must be a lvl 32 Need at least one Titan Need at least one Warlock Need at least one Hunter Need a swordbearer Must have a maxed Ghorn or HoC Msg laserguy5000 for an invite
Need three for hard fresh vog. Gt same as above for inv.
Hosting death singer cp normal on 360 lvl 30+ msg for inv gt is same
Fresh hard crota need 2 lvl 32 please message EasyR72 for invite
Looking to join a hard templar checkpoint OR start a fresh Hard vog. Trying to get that fatebringer. Gt same as above if you can help me out.
Croat hard cp, need 5 lvl 31+ with gjallarhorn. GT DankAutumn06693
Need 5 30+ for hard gatekeeper cp please know wtf u r doing message for invite gt same
Need two for hard templar cp gt same
I am a level 32 titan looking to do Crotas End on hard (Fresh). I have every raid weapon maxed and all exotics. Of course, I have plenty of experience with the raid and in being the sword bearer Gt: Doujinshi Anime
Starting Iron Banner 6 man team Must be good and have a mic Message me for invite. Gt: Vendetta RC
VoG normal Atheon cp need 1 person 30+ GT above message for invite
Crota hard cp Need 4 guardians Must be 31+ Must have hoc or Gjallarhorn Join ASAP
Need Lvl 32 swordbearer for hard crota cp
Need two for crota cp on normal msg me for inv
- Crota Checkpoint Normal-Mode - 32+ - Maxed Hunger or Gjallarhorn - Mic Required - Gt same as above - Experience - No Assholes. - Don't Suck. - Message Me In Game on Xbox 360 - Need few more Join Up!
Hey guys wana do vog hard normal or Crotas end normal hard invite Knightoftermina Or Sledge world 49 They loved to do it there assholes too mostly knight spam the crap out of them Queens mersenarys suck they take your friends and use them against you thanks knight Ps spam them
Hard crota at crota check point message Alex2yfire for invite
Crota normal cp Need 4 guardians Must be 31+ I am 32 swordbearer Join ASAP
Crota normal cp Need 4 guardians Must be 31+ I am 32 swordbearer Join ASAP
Crota hard fresh. Need 4 more 31+ Gt same as above Msg for inv
I'm a level 32 titan looking for crota cp I have lots of experience I have finished it several times message TODDLERSTOMPER1 I also have all Maxed raid weapons ghalli ice breaker
Looking for 2 30+ crota fresh normal. MSG me for inv Gt above