originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Looking for 2 30+ crota fresh normal. MSG me for inv Gt above
Hard Crota at Crota cp Must be level 32 Must have ghorn or hoc(I have ghorn) Must know what you're doing Need sword Bearer Need titian Msg for invite
Normal Vault of Glass fresh 30+ with experience I need 2 relic holders Gamer tag same as above
Atheon checkpoint vog normal message for invite
Crota's End Hm Crota CP Lvl 32 w/ experience Need Swordbearer Msg Grimlock1209 for invite
Need one for atheon cp message for inv 31+
Bored sword bearer
Need 2 for VoG hard fresh message dabtologist for invite!
Normal Croat cp gt is name
Need 2 more at second bridge Crota on hard gt same as name hotboxparadox
Need 4 normal vog fresh start on 360 gt same as above
Lvl 30 warlock looking to do vog on normal we need 4 people msg me on xbox 360 for an inv my gt is shadow44778
Hard ATHEON need 5 message Zellazoom for invite 31+
Need 2 for VoG hard fresh message dabtologist for invite!
Need a swordbearer for crota hard. At deathsinger checkpoint. Msg ikh2000 for invite
Need 4 for atheon cp. message for inv
Need 4 32s to do hard Crota cp need swordbearer if 31 mush have gally gt: same as above or comment below
t Vitalii Vasiliv, Warlock 32. VOG hard.
Vog hard Templar send sorcerousclock0 a message!!!!!
32 swordbear rental kill hard crota in 2 swords and normal in 1 gt is name
Need 4 plus a sword bearer lvl 32 only with maxed gally for hard crota. Send a message to killazone8795 to get invited
Normal Crota checkpoint 31+ message x ProHird x for inv
Crota normal cp Need 4 guardians Must be 31+ I am 32 swordbearer Join ASAP
Need 4 plus a sword bearer lvl 32 only with maxed gally for hard crota. Send a message to killazone8795 to get invited
Crota normal cp Need 4 guardians Must be 31+ I am 32 swordbearer Join ASAP
lvl 30 Hunter looking for fresh normal vog gt same as above