originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
lvl 30 Hunter looking for fresh normal vog gt same as above
Can anyone help me do hard Crota I'm a level 30 on my hunter GT: Owen Crafts
Doing hard VoG Atheon checkpoint. Lvl 31+ with experience. Msg me for inv GT StereoPsych
Can anyone help me do a fresh Crota normal get the same lvl 31 titan
32 with ghorn or hunger Mic Msg xscrublord2000x for inv :) Need swordbearer
Doing norm CE fresh. Need 4 Guardians with exp. in the Raid i.e. "No noobs". Mic is a must, Msg for inv. Gt is the same.
Fresh hard VOG need 4 GT same as name
Fresh crota hard need 3 and a swordbearer must be 31+ with tracking rockets and a mic. Msg shartnad0 for invite
Looking for a fresh Crota normal invite me to your fire team I am a level 31 titian with tally ice breaker black hammer you name it I most likely have it except for hunger :'(
Xbox360 Running crota normal mode Crota cp. Looking for players. Must be level 31 and up please. Must be experienced with the raid. Message mrknuckleshucky for invite.
Crota normal cp Need 4 guardians Must be 31+ I am 32 swordbearer Join ASAP
Need 5 for fresh normal crota msg for invite gt same as above
[quote]Crota hard cp. 32 need maxed galley and/ or maxed hunger msg for invite also need seordbearer gt same
Need 3 for hard crota
Need 3 for crota death singer cp on norm
Fresh normal crota 30+ gt same as above
Edited by IKillerBarbieI: 5/3/2015 5:00:08 PMVoG hard gate keeper cp need 2 iKillerBarbiei
Edited by DonutMunchkin: 5/3/2015 5:15:01 PMNeed need 2 people and a swordbearer for hard Crota I have a Crota cp GT ShadowBrony76 32s with good rockets only I'm a lvl 32 warlock with fully upgraded hunger of Crota
Need 3 for Crota normal msg for inv
Crota normal cp Need 4 guardians Must be 31+ I am 32 swordbearer Join ASAP
Need 2 for hard Crota. Deathsinger cp 32 only good rockets.
Want to do a fresh Crota run. Never done one Hard/Normal Level 30 Titan J 3 S U S R O D 3 O
Edited by IKillerBarbieI: 5/3/2015 4:18:10 PMVoG on hard. Templar cp. need 4 iKillerBarbiei
Need 32 Titan for crota hard cp message metal fang91 for invite
Hard templar
Anybody willing to help my level 29 hunter through the Normal Crota raid? I can hold my own i have maxed ghorn, icebreaker and raid weapons, just need the gear.