originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Crota hard checkpoint Need a good swordbearer Must be 31+ I am 32 max ghorn Join ASAP
Crota hard checkpoint Need 4 guardians + swordbearer Must be 31+ I am 32 max ghorn Join ASAP
Need 5 crotA hardcp gt above
Have four for crota fresh max gally
I'm looking to join deathsinger checkpoint on hard Gt: same as above
Crota hard checkpoint Need 4 guardians Must be 31+ I am 32 max ghorn Join ASAP
Need 5 crota hard cp gt above
Need 5 crota hard cp gt above
Crota hard checkpoint Need 4 guardians Must be 31+ I am 32 max ghorn Join ASAP
Doing fresh normal VOG 27+ need 3 more gt:OcaZio message me for invite
Need 4 more for VOG hard gatekeeper cp message for inv
I Need invite for VOG hard fresh start Level 31 Warlock GT- Alex429 No mic, but can still hear you
Crota hard checkpoint Need good swordbearer Must be 31+ I am 32 max ghorn Join ASAP
VOG normal message me you have to be 31+ GT: Attack Riley
Need 5 gatekeeper hard gt above
Need 3 ppl for hard crota. 32 and 31 if u have gjallhorn. Message TGI ICE for invite. I have multiple cp's. Need a 32 swordbearer
Edited by mtthwrox: 5/2/2015 7:51:15 PMAnyone need a swordbearer im a 32 hunter GT: BrutaL VizionZ
Need 2 for HARD CROTA CP -Already have a swordbearer. -Level 32 (if 31 please have a maxed tracking rocket) - *must have a tracking rocket* - *must have a mic* -Message me ON XBOX for invite - GT: same as above Let's have some fun most importantly! :D
I'm a level 32 titan looking for fresh hard crota raid I got Maxed galli Maxed hunger and ice breaker maxed black hammer I have a Mic invite TODDLERSTOMPER1 if your looking for another person no little kids no scrubs need people with a fair bit of experience hit me up
Vog hard Oracles cp msg for inv gt is the same
Hey I'm a lvl 23 void walker I play late night sun thru fri playing anything gamertag is x0jacksparrow0x Next to the x's are zeros(0) request me I have a mic also
Death singer cp norm Need 5 Gamer tag above
Need 3 CROTA HM fresh 32 only already have swordbearer msg str8 snipinn
Need 3 ppl for hard crota. 32 and 31 if u have gjallhorn. Message TGI ICE for invite. I have multiple cp's
Need 3 more crota normal at crota gt is same
I'm a level 32 titan looking for fresh hard crota raid I got Maxed galli Maxed hunger and ice breaker maxed black hammer I have a Mic invite TODDLERSTOMPER1 if your looking for another person no little kids no scrubs need people with a fair bit of experience hit me up