originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
I'm a level 32 titan looking for fresh hard crota raid I got Maxed galli Maxed hunger and ice breaker maxed black hammer I have a Mic invite TODDLERSTOMPER1 if your looking for another person no little kids no scrubs need people with a fair bit of experience hit me up
hard crota cp lvl 32 with tracking rockets mic required msg OG Jxson for inv
Need 3 for crota cp hard. Gt is the same message for invite
Need 5 more for Crota normal run. Must be level 30+ and have a mic. Need a sword bearer. Message B33F CAK3 08 for invite.
Crota Hard w/ the Crota CP Level 31+ but 32 is recommended Must be Experienced Must have "Hunger of Crota" or "Gjallarhorn" Need Swordbearer Need 4 people GT: Applicationed
i can sword on hard or normal crota cp msg OG Jxson
Xbox 360 vog normal .Anyone can help me ? Im trying to do vog onmy second character. Help would be awesome. Gt same as above
Norm crota cp Msg me on 360 for inv Shazam Swagger
Gatekeeper cp hard 31+ Experinced Relic holders required Message me for inv FindingMEMO1234
Fresh hard Crotas end message Alex2yfire for invite
Atheon hard atheon cp Need 4 Must be 31+ I am 32 max ghorn Join ASAP
Atheon hard atheon cp Need 4 Must be 31+ I am 32 max ghorn Join ASAP
Atheon hard atheon cp Need 4 Must be 31+ I am 32 max ghorn Join ASAP
Hard VoG at Oracles 30+ message me for invite
VOG normal fresh looking for bad ass guardians lets get this done quick message me same gamertag first come first serve lets have fun while at it
VOG HARD looking for anybody with Templar checkpoint or if u want to start fresh need lv 30+
VOG Normal w/ Fresh Level 26+ Must be Experienced Need 4 people GT: Applicationed
normal crota bridge cp
Need 5 for atheon cp
Looking to join fresh crota hard. 32 warlock max gjally
VOG Normal w/ Fresh Level 26+ Must be Experienced Need 4 people GT: Applicationed
Need 4 Gatekeeper cp Message Primal Prodigy for invite
Need people 30+ for vog normal msg for inv gt Forzania
Hard Crota checkpoint 32s only