originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Hard Crota checkpoint 32s only
Need 1 more for Crota normal cp
Vog normal fresh. 28+. Message for invite. Gt same as above
Normal crota cp. I want to do it fast so 31+. must have tracking rockets. Text for inv
Hunter lv 29 looking for normal vog raid. Msg me please gamertag :rayuzo
LF one more for nightfall
I am looking for 4 people on crota normal i am level 28 on my second character I have a 32 also if some people could help I would be very grateful thanks gt same as above
Need 4 more for Crota hard fresh run Must be 32+ Must have a mic Msg GT above for invite
Looking for people to do crota hard cp msg TWISTEDSISTER64 for invite
Fresh Vog hard 30+ Message for invite
Need people 30+ for vog normal msg for inv gt Forzania
Crota hard Crota cp must have gally or hoc msg same gt for inv and looking for sword bearer
Need 2 for crota hard
Atheon hard atheon cp Need 4 Must be 31+ I am 32 max ghorn Join ASAP
Need 3 for hard Crota cp
Atheon hard atheon cp Need 4 Must be 31+ I am 32 max ghorn Join ASAP
Inv me to any raid
Needing a sword bearer at deathsinger cp on hard gt is mob Ibn
Corta hard. CROTA CHECKPOINT. 32. 4 more spots
Need 4 for hard gatekeeper cp 31+ message for invite
Need 4 for fresh Crota on normal message Razorfan67 or gt above for invite
I'll do anything just msg me an inv. I am a lvl 32 warlock GT above
Someone who needs help... invite me to crota bormal fresh
Need a team 4 VOG normaol fresh then hard fresh. Must have good guns and be on 28-32 im 29 but done them both. You don't neef mic as long as u know what your doing.message me 4 inv GT:orion1437 xbox360
Need people 30+ for Crota normal crota cp msg for inv gt Forzania
Need 2 32's for crota cp. Gt as above