originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Crota hard fresh gt same as above message for invite
Will swordbear for normal or hard crota cp im am a exerienced 32 hunter with a maxed gally msg me if u need help
Doing hard vog fresh. MSG DOME RipTide for an invite if you are lvl 32. Xbox 360
Fresh crota on hard Need 5 Need sword bearer Need mic and experience msg XxGorgonitexX
32 hunter. Able and willing to traverse either raid (preferably fresh) on either difficulty. I dont have a working mic, but i can hear the fire team well and know how to run both raids. Inv gt above.
Atheon hard atheon cp Need 4 Must be 31+ I am 32 max ghorn Join ASAP
Fresh vog normal 31+ gt same message me go invite
need 3 for hard mode crota! FRESH! 32 only! Max gally of HOC! msg: trustytexas
Need 2 for VoG fresh Normal then maybe hard. Be experienced with relic and 30+ with a Mic. Chill party so let's get some gear. Msg on here for invite
Need 4 for iron banner only requirement have a mic msg on xbox 360 for an inv
Nightfall 30+
Atheon hard gatekeeper Need 4 Must be 31+ I am 32 max ghorn Join ASAP
Atheon hard gatekeeper Need 4 Must be 31+ I am 32 max ghorn Join ASAP
Atheon hard gatekeeper Need 4 Must be 31+ I am 32 max ghorn Join ASAP
Atheon hard gatekeeper Need 4 Must be 31+ I am 32 max ghorn Join ASAP
Lvl 31 hunter looking to do Atheon(hard preferably), msg me at epicmonkey1200
Need people for Fresh Crota Normal I'm most likely going to do it Fresh x3 If you're interested, just message above name for an invite
Invite me if you are doing fresh normal vog. My gt is killazone8795
Hard crota bridge cp Need 5 Gt same as above
My gt is DavidRR22 atheon hard cp
This isn't a weekly, nightfall, or raid, but I'm trying to do the Thorn exotic bounty and I'm doing a required strike, I'm at the very end and I need help. I'm a 32 but I'm doing this solo. If you could help me, that'd be amazing. Gamertag is "Versace Dave" if you want me to invite you.
Looking for a VoG hard fresh or Crota normal fresh. Experienced and have Gjallarhorn
Hard Templar cp. I need experienced players. Message me on XBL for an invite.
Need a titan for a hard crota checkpoint. Message for an invite.
CROTA NORM CROTA CHP. Message Morsecode123 for invite
Hard Templar cp. I need EXPERIENCED players. Message me on XBL for an invite.