originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 2 more people for hard mode crotas end. Crota checkpoint. Must have ghorn or hoc. Also have a mic. Message for invite.
Normal fresh VoG 30+ P.s This is my friends first time going through it so please be patient
Vog hard templar cp Msg me for invite 30+ Gt same Must have mic Need 3
Hard Crota cp You need tracking rockets and experience I need a swordbearer and warlocks with radiance. And a defender Titan Message gamer tag same as above
Normal fresh VoG 30+ P.s This is my friends first time going through it so please be patient
Atheon hard Templar cp Must be 31+ I am 32 max ghorn Join ASAP
Can anyone run my lvl 23 thorough the vog. Don't worry I have a lot of experience. For invite message killazone8795
Got 4 need 2 hunger or max ghorn 32 only hard crota fresh gt same above
Hard Crota fresh 31+. Must have maxed G-Horn or hunger. Already have sword bearer. Message [u]Sea Cows101[/u] for invite.
Fresh Hard VoG
Gatekeeper cp hard need a lvl 32 message me for inv
Need 3 more people for hard mode crotas end. Crota checkpoint. Must have ghorn or hoc. Also have a mic. Message for invite.
Starting fresh VoG hard must be 30+ Msg EnteringReality
Crota raid fresh on normal 31 and up msg gt above for invite
Looking for vog hard with a checkpoint of oracles or Templar I'm a expirenced lvl 32 Titan gt: same as above or comment below
Need 5 more for fresh crotas end normal message for inv
doing crota norm fresh, same as above
Hosting an iron banner team! Must have positive kd and be lvl 30+. Msg for invite on 360
Nightfall msg TravyTravy123
Crota death singer normal cp Also planning on doing crota msg shade vg for inv
Crota death singer normal cp Also planning on doing crota msg shade vg for inv
Edited by MrKnuckleshucky: 5/1/2015 10:50:30 PMRunning fresh Crota checkpoint in a bit.(maybe an hour or so) message MrKnuckleshucky for invite. Must be level 31+
Need 5 for vog normal, level 27 warlock at gorgons Maze cp gt is same as name
Inv me to any raid besides hard crota
Fresh normal crota 31+ message for invite
32 Titan looking to run fresh crota raid on hard. Must have mic. Need 3 more. Message me on Xbox live.