originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
32 Titan looking to run fresh crota raid on hard. Must have mic. Need 3 more. Message me on Xbox live.
At hard atheon. Msg I LIKE DIAMOND for invite and be good with relic and have good oracle guns
Hosting a HARD CROTA CP 32+ WITH MIC and experience NEED a g jorn or hunger of crota Msg xscrublord2000x for inv
Crota hard fresh 31+ Msg KryptonicRhino
Hard Crota Cp Must Be 32 Have A Mic Have Hunger Or JellyHorn Message Nike0nDeck For A Invite (that o is a zero)
Lvl 32 looking for VoG Hard, oracle, templar or other CP to join. X360, gt; Dual1ty HQ
Looking for 4 for fresh VOG message GT above
Looking for players to do VoG with on normal or hard I don't care haha message me for invite RA1NMAKER666 Btw must be above level 29+ I'm warlock lvl 30
Need people for hard crota fresh. Message for invite: bossbryan11
Vog hard Oracle cp must b experienced 31+ need to go fast plz message get above for inv
Looking for 5 32s for hard Crota FRESH Need swordbearer Just have a mic and Gjallarhorn or Hunger of Crota Message me ONLY on xbox with class gt same as name
Fresh normal crota 31+ message for invite
Crotas end on hard fresh 32+ only Message MrLoonyPenguinn for invite
Hard Crota cp need 3 people must be experienced with a good rocket / Need a swordbearer message for invite gt^^
Lvl 32 looking for VoG Hard, oracle, templar or other CP to join. X360, gt; Dual1ty HQ
Doing hard Templar. Need 5 more. GT: StandingForever
Vog hard Atheon cp lvl 31+ please have good rocket gt same as above
Vog hard gatekeeper cp experienced players wanted.
Hard sorry
Crota 32 only ask for invite
Normal Crotas end on 360
At bridge cp on normal looking for 4. I'm being carried on my lvl 27 hunter need people to help. GT same as above msg me for inv
Need srowdbearer for crota hard we are starting fresh now gt same
Fresh crota hard 31+ only HOC or Ghorn. Have raid exp gt same message on xbl for invite
Lvl 32 looking for VoG Hard, oracle, templar or other CP to join. X360, gt; Dual1ty HQ
Need 2 for athion checkpoint msg me :ubermelk