originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 2 for athion checkpoint msg me :ubermelk
Hosting normal vog fresh run 30+ with a mic. Message on xbox live for invite, same gt.
Looking for crota normal any checkpoint have hunger of crota and expirenc
[quote]Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)[/quote] Hard v of g gatekeeper cp msg me for inv gt same as above
Level 32 titan wanting to do Croats end hard or normal mode fresh. Gt same as above.
Need 4 for Crota normal fresh. Msg me for invite gt is above. Joining would be greatly appreciated
Lvl 32 hard crota cp gjallarhorn anyone join gt same as above
Crota hard fresh 31+ message aAawarrior76 for inv
Message InsertName7214
HARD ATHEON CP! Experienced 31+ with a mic! Message LOZ MIESTER for an invite
Looking for vog hard hunter 32 gt talmaxs inv me
Need 1 for nightfall message for inv Gt is the same
Xbox 360 Fresh normal crota Im a Lvl 32 swordbearer Need 4 more players Lvl 31+ Gt same as above Must have mic
Edited by Its GDFR x: 5/1/2015 4:15:28 PMVoG need team please normal fresh run, message me if you want to join
Need 4 for VoG hard conflux checkpoint send message in game for invite!!!!
FRESH NORMAL CROTA! Must be Lvl 31+, experienced and have a mic! Message LOZ MIESTER on xbox 360 for an invite
Running a fresh CROTA. Don't care what rank or what guns you have. Ask for inv
Gatekeeper cp hard 31+ msg for inv gt same
Need 2 30+ for nightfall Message me for game invite
Fresh Crota's End, Normal, room for 2,swordbearer need also, gt as above
Crota hard checkpoint need sword bearer and my GT is VoRtEz sniper
Need 2 for weekly 26+ Gt is the same message for inv.
Looking for 4 people to do atheon checkpoint on hard. Message gt above for invite.
Crota cp hard... Building a team.... Be experienced and need a sword bearer.
[ Gatekeeper cp vog 31+ Msg KryptonicRhino
Croat fresh normal message TheHurtLocker84