originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Croat fresh normal message TheHurtLocker84
Doing hard VoG fresh on 360 lvl 30+ msg for inv gt: Sun33D69
Lvl 32 lock looking to run crota hard fresh preferred get same as name
Fresh Vog hard 30+ Message for invite
32 warlock looking to join or host a fresh crota raid on Normal, have maxed icebreaker, and gally, msg/inv on xbox, Gt is same as here.
(no mic but can hear fireteam.) 32 any class (can sworbear really well) willing to help with either raid on either difficulty. Inv gt above
Looking for normal vog Gt above
Crota checkpoint hard. Need swordbearer. Message Kusanku79
Hard vog fresh run 31+ and mic. Msg on xbox for inv.
Crota Normal w/ the Crota CP Level 31+ Must be Experienced Must have "Hunger of Crota" or "Gjallarhorn" Need Swordbearer Need 2 or 3 people GT: Applicationed
2 32s lfg vog hard msg on Xbox live
Hard vog fresh run 31+ and mic. Msg on xbox for inv.
Hard vog fresh run 31+ and mic. Msg on xbox for inv.
Gorgon cp Need team for atheon Whozz godlyy <--gt 32 only
Swordbearer looking to help with normal Crota checkpoint invite me
Need 5 for fresh crota normal. 31+.
Crota hard CP We need more, need to be lvl 32 Msg me on 360 for inv PashaTheGreatHD Need sword bearer EXPERIENCED
Lvl 31 titan looking to do fresh hard crota! Its my 3rd acc i have plenty experience and have maxed raid + gally wepons, gt as above
Crota hard. Bridge checkpoint. Message Kusanku79.
32 Hunter plenty of experience in both raids willing to help out with either raid message XiT SW1TCHER for help! Max ghorn ice breaker and other stuff!
Looking to run fresh crota either difficulty level 31 lock msg hwskft
Fresh vog nrml msg HOS3R 3H
Crota hard cp. Need 1. Msg for invite
Need 2 31-32 (including swordbearer) for crota hard fresh must have mic and must have tracking rockets
Need 5 for hard atheon cp. Message for invite. Gt same
32 Warlock plenty of experience in both raids willing to help out with either raid message XiT SW1TCHER for help! Max ghorn ice breaker and other stuff!