originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
32 Warlock plenty of experience in both raids willing to help out with either raid message XiT SW1TCHER for help! Max ghorn ice breaker and other stuff!
Atheon hard cp 31+ Msg KryptonicRhino
Need 4 more for fresh crotas end normal message for inv
Vault of glass fresh hard. Message me for invite, gamertag same as above. 32 Hunter here.
31 warlock experienced looking for hard fresh crota with hunger invite gt same ^
Hard gatekeeper message Harry69Corndog 31+ ONLY
Vog hard Aetheon cp Msg me on 360 for inv Shazam Swagger
Lvl 31 titan looking for fresh vog hard very experienced (game tag same as above)
Hard gatekeeper message Harry69Corndog 31+ ONLY
Need 3 to Hard Crota CP crota
Need a full team for crota check point on hard. Lvl 31+. Message ShaDoW R0CKST4R for invite
Fresh normal crota need 2 Gt same as above
Need 4 for Fresh Crota Normal Mode. 31+. Ghorn preferred! Message me for an invite on Xbox 360 GT: Inphenity
Edited by SirSaccomano: 4/30/2015 10:41:06 PMNeed 5 more people for hard mode crotas end. Crota checkpoint. Must have ghorn or hoc. Also have a mic. Message for invite. Also need swordbearer.
Lvl 32 helping anyone who needs help on gatekeeper on hard gt is chief8901
lvl 32 hunter will swordbearer on hard or normal msg OG Jxson
Need 4 hard crota cp gt above
Crotas end hard fresh message me for invite gt same as name 31+ only message saying level and character
Edited by JKBP48: 4/30/2015 10:13:46 PMVault of glass hard or easy i have never done a raid (gotta start somewhere) im a lvl 30 hunter well equipedd with exotics and good weapons My gt is the same as my user name Pleasr help i want to get better for house of wolves
Need 5 hard crota cp gt above
Edited by xDEMON900: 4/30/2015 9:51:47 PMDoing Crota hard cp need to be experienced need sword bearer a mic and 32+ gally as well send me a message gt same as above if you reply on forum I won't see it srry
32 Titan looking for fresh Crota's End normal team. GT is AngelWarlord17. Will be livestreaming on Twitch at twitch.tv/angelwarlord17
crota normal deathsinger lvl 31+ with tracking rockets msg OG Jxson for inv
Need 4 more 32s for Crota cp hard.
32 Titan w max Gjallarhorn Looking for Templar or oracles cp on hard VoG An inv would be appreciated
(no mic but can hear fireteam.) 32 any class (can sworbear really well) willing to help with either raid on either difficulty. Inv gt above