originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
(no mic but can hear fireteam.) 32 any class (can sworbear really well) willing to help with either raid on either difficulty. Inv gt above
Looking for 4 for normal Atheon cp! GT same as above!!
Need 5 for fresh crota normal msg yMiZeD Xbox
Crota hard fresh one sworbearer
VoG hard conflux cp
Crota norm deathsinger cp Msg for inv Join ASAP
Need 4 for hard crota cp on 360 lvl 31+ must have good rocket launcher msg for inv gt is same
LF 3 more people for fresh VOG hard run. Msg:MLGpeanutbutter
Hosting a fresh normal crotas end message me for inv
Crota FRESH LEVEL 31+ Message me on 360 Gamertag: K8MS
32 with gally.. Lf crota hard any cp Send inv to AGC Twitch
Crota fresh normal msg in game for fast invite!
Doing Crota hard Crota cp message Gt: Owen Crafts for invite
Hosting Crota normal fresh run 30+ only. Message for an invite GT above
level 32 swordbearer Inv me if u need me (only doing normal atm) gt same as above
Hosting VoG hard from Gatekeeper, lvl 31+ with experience msg StereoPsych for inv
Doing crota hard crota cp 32s only msg for inv gt same as above
Crotas end hard 32+ msg for invite gt same as above need Gjally or hunger
Doing crota hard crota cp 32s only msg for inv gt same as above
Lvl32 hunter for normal crota fresh run msg for invite gt same as above
Doing vol on hard , at the Templar checkpoint , would like level 30 + , message gt above for invite
31 hunter looking to run vog hard fresh get same as name
Starting a fresh Crotas end run on normal Levels 31-32 only please Message GT: Jeff Saturday for an invite
Need Crota hard fresh run
Crota hard fresh. Message HempstressXXIX for Inv
Need 2 for VoG conflux cp on normal. Msg iKillerBarbiei for inv.