originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 2 for VoG conflux cp on normal. Msg iKillerBarbiei for inv.
Need 3 for crota hard Checkpoint at crota Need sword We 2 31 and a 32 1 gally 2 crota rockets Gt same
Vog hard Atheon cp 30+ gt above
Level 32 warlock with Crota hard cp, need three, a titan would be preferred. Must be 31+ and have a good rocket launcher and experience. Message on Xbox for invite, gt same as username
Need 2 for hard crota FRESH. Must have tracking rockets. Need a sword bearer. Mic required. NO KINDERGUARDIANS. 32 ONLY. Message for inv. GT same as name.
Looking to do VOG Hard or Normal, or Crotas end on normal Gt BeyondDivine4
Lvl 29 hunter with a lot of experience in the vog looking to run either hard or normal get same as name
Lvl 32 willing to help any raid any Lvl. Msg in game. Gt same as above
Need one for crota hard cp message gt above
Lookin to help anyone on any rade got all classes 32 can swordbare inv me DHG Voodoo TILT
Looking to play crota hard from start. Warlock 31 truth. Gt same as above.
Fresh vog hard Lvl 31+ No kids, mic up Message for invite
Need 2 more people for hard mode crotas end. Crota checkpoint. Must be 32 and have ghorn or hoc. Also have a mic. Message for invite.
Level 32 Titan looking to do Crota's end on hard or normal I have a maxed out hunger and gt is same as above invite me if yall have room
32 warlock hosting fresh hard vog raid, message for invite. 30+
Need 1 more for vog hard fresh get same as name
VOG ORACLE CP HARD 30+ Please Have Experience 2 More Spots
VOG ORACLE CP HARD 30+ Please Have Experience 4 More Spots
Need 3 for vog hard mode experience is not required just be willing to listen and learn get same as name
Need 3 for fresh vog on hard
Need a team for Iron Banner (360) Please be decent and have a mic Gt same
Need 5 more for crotas end hard crota cp swordbearer needed message for inv
VOG on normal fresh start need people to help message my GT: CYS AstroBoy x
Hard vog gatekeeper message Harry69Corndog 32 only
Need more for hard Crota. Swordbearer needed. Msg for inv. Blood Morality
32 lock and 31 hunter looking to run vog hard mode gt same as name