originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
32 lock and 31 hunter looking to run vog hard mode gt same as name
VOG FLAWLESS NORMAL. 31+. Msg for inv. GT same as above. MUST HAVE MIC.
(no mic but can hear fireteam.) 32 any class (can sworbear really well) willing to help with either raid on either difficulty. Inv gt above
Anybody wanna help gatekeeper vog hard I'm a 28 warlock with self res msg for inv same as above
Need 4 more people for hard mode crotas end. Crota checkpoint. Must be 31+ and have ghorn and hoc. Also have mic. Message for invite.
Vog hard oricals need 3 more must have ice breaker
vog hard gatekeeper cp lvl 31+ mic required msg OG Jxson for inv
Need One more 32 to help do crota on HARD you could be swordbearer if you want but if not ill use the sword Gt is God boiii We usually last up to the third run with five people so its gonna be a lot easier of someone joins
Crota hard cp need a swordbearer and lvl 31+
Crota's End Normal Crota Checkpoint Message me for an invite my gamertag is TwistedFuzion
Need 5 for normal crota checkpoint. Message soccerbeast310 for an invite.
Need 2 for Nightfall 31+ Exp Mic Gt as above
Need 1 deathsinger hard cp gt above
Need 4 30+ for [b][i][u]Hard Vog Fresh[/u][/i][/b]. Msg Porsche8Man for inv
Level 31 Lock looking to run any difficulty of Crota fresh, msg hwskft
Need 3 People for hard Crota cp need swordbearer gt above
Hard vog fresh message Harry69Corndog 31+ only
Lf2m CE hm fresh gt generalscaffold for invite
Need 3 people for Fresh Normal Crota. Msg WUZ UP 7.
Edited by Sphixie: 4/29/2015 11:27:48 PMHard Gorgon's Maze Checkpoint, 5 slots open. 30+ Experienced No Squeakers (Sorry) Mic Required Say Please Gamer tag Same as above.
At confluxs on hard msg for invite
Need 4 for Crota cp normal Level 31+ Gt: same as above
(no mic but can hear fireteam.) 32 any class (can swordear really well) willing to help with either raid on either difficulty. Inv gt above
LF people to do nightfall. Gt same as above
Crota normal fresh. Need 5 experienced players pls
Fresh hard crota run. Message gt for invite. Gt same as above