originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Fresh hard crota run. Message gt for invite. Gt same as above
I need to do hard Atheon I'm a lvl 32 warlock
Hard crota cp crota 32+
Hosting Fresh Hard Mode Crota MUST BE AT LEAST LEVEL 31!!! Message for an invite
32 titan lkf crota normal. Have gally
Hosting Fresh Hard Mode Crota MUST BE AT LEAST LEVEL 31!!! Message for an invite
Doing fresh VoG normal mode. Must be level 27 or higher. Message UnbrokenSkull11 for a invite.
Hard crota cp crota 32+
Hosting Fresh Hard Mode Crota MUST BE AT LEAST LEVEL 31!!! Message for an invite
Hosting Fresh Hard Mode Crota MUST BE AT LEAST LEVEL 31!!! Message for an invite
Need 5 gatekeeper hard gt above
Need 5 for vog gt above
Need 4 people and sword bearer 32 plus Crota hard
Normal crota fresh gt is same msg for inv
I'm a lvl 32 looking for fresh hard vog. Gt same as above
Run sword normal crota
LF someone to help do nightfall
Hard Crota cp 32 only ghorn or hunger
Looking for any crota lvl 31 warlock msg StrelosXX
Looking for hard VoG or any Crot lvl 31 lock same Gt
I'm a level 32 titan looking for fresh hard crota raid I got Maxed galli Maxed hunger and ice breaker maxed black hammer I have a Mic invite TODDLERSTOMPER1 if your looking for another person no little kids no scrubs need people that know what there hit me up
Crota Normal crota cp 31+ message aAawarrior76 for inv
Need four more for a normal Crota checkpoint! Great is same as above, message for an invite.
Need someone to help do nightfall
Need 5 for Crota hard fresh
crota hard deathsinger need 1 more lvl 32 msg OG Jxson for inv