originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
crota hard deathsinger need 1 more lvl 32 msg OG Jxson for inv
Fresh crota run normal need 5 Gt same
crota hard deathsinger need 1 more lvl 32 msg OG Jxson for inv
32 Warlock looking for a normal Crota Checkpoint! Gt is same as above, message me if you have it.
fresh hard crota lvl 32 with tracking rockets swordbearer needed mic required msg OG Jxson for inv
Edited by zCorvus: 4/29/2015 8:33:41 PMCrotas End Hard Cp: Crota Need 5 Guardians 31+ Pls bring the Gally with u :) Msg me for inv zCorvus
Templar hard need 2 who can use relic
Templar hard need 2 who can use relic
(no mic but can hear fireteam.) 32 any class (can swordear really well) willing to help with either raid on either difficulty. Inv gt above
Need 5 for hard Crota cp Need swordbearer Must be 32 Message me for invite
Crota fresh hard run need a sword barear msg for invite gt same as above
Looking for vog normal hunter 32 gt talmaxs inv me
Need 5 for hard crota cp message me for an invite same as name
Need 1 more for fresh vog on hard msg chief8901 for an invite
Need 4 for crota cp normal on 360 lvl 30+ msg for inv gt: Pensfan3127
Need 2more players| VOG Hard | Gatekeeper atheon CP
Doing crotas end hard fresh 32s must know what to do gt same as above msg for inv
Crota normal fresh.... 31+ with experience message " A KinKy Carrot " for invite
Vog hard gatekeeper cp msg for invite gt same as above
Lvl 32 looking for a hard Oracle cp gt chief8901
Lvl 30 warlock, hunger of crota, wanting to join Croats end normal. Gt same as above.
Crotas end normal fresh message me for invite gt same as name
Need 2 for nightfall msg for invite GT: BrentRF
I'm looking to do easy and hard Crota in a weird order but the only way to get max loot, I want to do easy until death singer but not do Deathsinger then hard and do Deathsinger and then do easy and finish it then finish hard. Message me for an invite
Crota fresh on hard. Need 4 32s and swordbearer. gt. ah ticab
Need 4 for fresh hard crota be 31+ must have ghorn or hoc we need a swordbearer. Message Ah Ticab for an invite