originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 4 for fresh hard crota be 31+ must have ghorn or hoc we need a swordbearer. Message Ah Ticab for an invite
Hosting Crota normal lvl 30+ fresh, GT same as above
Need 2 more for VOG hard fresh run message xX I HuNtZ u Xx for an invite
Lvl 32 looking for VoG on hard, x360, gt; Dual1ty HQ
Need 4 for fresh crota on hard message ErZa Rainz for a invite
Need people for deathsinger max gally lvl 32 gt is same
Lvl 32 looking for hard VoG. Xbox360 gt; Dual1ty HQ
Crota normal cp need one more with a maxed rocket launcher no squeakers
2 32s and a 27 need 3 more for fresh hard VoG
32 hunter with max ghorn looking for hard Crota. Invite Gt Bringmethybooty
Looking for 2 more VoG normal fresh gamertag is hotboxparadox
Need 3 for Croat norm cp have sword bearer
Crota at deathsinger on normal Need 3
Lf 1 more person for fresh hard crota run. Msg:MLGpeanutbutter
2 32s looking to run crota hard 1 Titan and 1 lock get same as name
Need one more for crota hard crota cp swordbearer needed message for inv
Looking for Atheon CP on Hard VoG. Level 32 warlock.
I have two level 30 we are looking for any raid message me
Need 4 more for hard crota raid crota cp message for once gt same as above
32 Swordbearer willing to help any group on Crota cp (any difficulty). Gt same, msg me there if your group needs me.
32 Swordbearer willing to help any group on Crota cp (any difficulty). Gt same, msg me there if your group needs me.
Need 3 more with rockets for normal Crota cp no squeakers msg gamer tag
Need a sword bearer on normal crota. GT same as above
32 hunter looking for 2 for nightfall gt same as above
Crota's End Hard Mode Fresh Message me for an invite my gamertag is TwistedFuzion
32 Swordbearer willing to help any group on Crota cp (any difficulty). Gt same, msg me there if your group needs me.