originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
32 Swordbearer willing to help any group on Crota cp (any difficulty). Gt same, msg me there if your group needs me.
fresh hard crota lvl 32 with tracking rockets swordbearer needed mic required msg OG Jxson for inv
Need 3 for HARD Crota cp, 31+ msg for inv, plz have a good rocket launcher & health regen. Titan needed
Need 3 for hard crota cp with good rockets 32 only
Hosting Hard Crota checkpoint, must have Hunger or Gally
fresh hard crota lvl 32 with tracking rockets swordbearer needed mic required msg OG Jxson for inv
Looking for vog hard with a checkpoint of oracles or Templar we have 2 32s and a 31 we are all very expirenced gt: same as above
Death singer normal message Tummo for invite
CROTA hard at death singer cp. level 32 need a sword bearer. Same as above must have mic. Xbox 360
Need 2 for fresh normal vog. Message for invite. Gt same.
Need one more for nightfall message for once gt same as above
VoG normal message awsumdavid 360
Need 2 more for Crota normal fresh
Need 2 31+ for nightfall. Message XxL0 P33J 0LxX for invite
Need 3 for normal vog msg gt above for invite
hard crota cp 32 only Gally or hoc msg broken vitals for invite
Edited by Luke: 4/29/2015 12:43:12 AMNeed 1 for Nightfall
Hard Vog need 2 fresh start msg Troqhie for an invite Xbox 360
Need three 32's for Fresh Crota on Hard Msg Motorskate200 for invite.
GT: awsumdavid. Anyone wanna do fresh VoG normal?
Need team of 32s for IRON BANNER. I have 1.0+ kd and am running a 32 blade dancer. Msg in game please. Gt: MateFeedKill8
hard crota cp lvl 32 with mic and tracking rocket need swordbearer msg OG Jxson for inv
CROTA fresh. Doing NORMAL AND HARD. 32+ need a mic. Same as above. XBOX 360
Need 3 31+ for HARD VOG GATEKEEPER CP. Have mic, experience, & KNOW HOW TO USE RELIC. Thanks! Message gt same as above^^^
Need team for vog. Message for invite
Need 2 for nightfall, msg me for invite GT Shopinstian43 Lvl 32 hunter