originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 2 for nightfall, msg me for invite GT Shopinstian43 Lvl 32 hunter
VoG hard atheon cp message me for invite gt same as name
fresh hard crota lvl 32 mic required msg OG Jxson for inv
Crota norm bridge cp Msg for inv Join ASAP
VoG hard fresh message me for invite gt same as name 30+
Fresh normal Crota Must me 31+ Running hard Crota after NO SQUEAKERS Gt above
Need 5 for fresh crota normal then hard level 32 hunter can sword bear hard and normal
Need 2 for nf, msg me for invite GT is Shopinstian43
Looking for 4 fresh VOG run normal! gt as above!
Looking to do VOG or Crota on hard, level 31 warlock with radiance, and maxed icebreaker and hunger of crota. Invite rusty iii
hard crota cp Message MrsLoonyPenguin for inv
Need 5 normal crota cp
Crota norm fresh Msg for inv Join ASAP
fresh hard crota message MrsLoonyPenguin for inv
Need 2 for fresh hard vog message ErZa Rainz for a invite
Looking for 2!to do night fall lvl 32s with mic plz gamer tag same as above
Crota norm at bridge. Gt same as above
Looking to help with Crota hard mode cp. level 32 with gjallerhorn. Gt = username
Crota normal bridge checkpoint 31+ caseyd123 for invite
Looking to play crota normal from start. Level 31 warlock with truth. Gt is same as above.
Need 5 for crota fresh normal. Same GT.
Need 2 for crota hard cp message ErZa Rainz for a invite
Need 5 30+ (including swordbearer) for crota normal bridge cp must have a mic and tracking rockets. Gt same
I would like to power level my warlock to lvl 20 asap so I can do night falls and such. Candiimane9210 Xbox360
Hard crota cp. Msg on LIVE for invite
Need 1 Fresh hard Crota 32 only must hav hoc or gally gt same msg for inv