originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 1 Fresh hard Crota 32 only must hav hoc or gally gt same msg for inv
Gatekeeper cp hard message for inv
Edited by ErZa Rainz: 4/28/2015 5:38:45 PMNeed 3 for hard crota fresh message ErZa Rainz for a invite
Need 32s for Fresh Normal Crota. Must have either Gjallarhorn or Hunger of Crota, good maxed weapons, experience and a mic. Msg in game for invite. Gt : MateFeedKill8
Level 31 Hunter looking to do fresh hard Crota, must be 31+ and have experience with the raid and good rocket launcher for Crota. Message on Xbox for invite, gt same as username
Need 2 for nf. Msg for invite.
Nightfall 2 slots open 31+ gt:JohnboysRevenge
31 looking for hard crota cp. Message or invite waxxpickles
Vault of glass fresh normal run, lvl 28+ and experienced, message for invite GT Marine1633
yes gt is straker117
Hard Crota at 2nd chest cp, gt same as above, message for invite
Need 3 for hard oracles. Message on xbox for invite. 30+
Need 5 people for Gatekeeper cp on hard message I Taaz I for a inv
Hard atheon cp message gt as above for invite
Hard templar cp 30+ gt is DEXXAL
vog normal speedrun msg OG Jxson lvl 30+
(no mic but can hear fireteam.) 32 any class willing to help with either raid on either difficulty. Inv gt above
32 Hunter looking for hard crota. Preferably full run or from bridge. Have mic and Hoc
32 titan looking for hard vog atheon cp or normal crota gt same as name (360)
Crota norm cp gt same message for inv
CROTA hard cp preferably 32 Msg kryptonicRhino
Crota last checkpoint on hard msg for inv need 5 and swordbearer
Crota last checkpoint on hard msg for inv need 5 and swordbearer
32 titan looking for hard vog atheon cp and normal crota gt same as name
Hard templar cp 30+ gt is DEXXAL
Looking for 4 32s for hard Crota FRESH We have swordbearer Just have a mic and Gjallarhorn or Hunger of Crota Message me ONLY on xbox gt same as name