originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Looking for 4 32s for hard Crota FRESH We have swordbearer Just have a mic and Gjallarhorn or Hunger of Crota Message me ONLY on xbox gt same as name
Normal Crota cp Ill sword Need 5 31+ Join ASAP
Normal Crota cp Ill sword Need 5 31+ Join ASAP
Looking for 4 31+ (preferably 32s) for normal Crota cp We have swordbearer Just have a mic and tracking rocket launcher Message me ONLY on xbox gt same as name
Vog normal fresh. 28+. Message for invite. Gt same as above
fresh hard crota lvl 32 with tracking rocket or 31 with gally msg OG Jxson for inv
Fresh hard VOG. Level 30+ and be experienced. Message me for invite.
Looking for 2 more VoG normal fresh run then hard Fresh run if you are willing to stay gamertag is hotboxparadox
Need 5 people for hard Vog Templar x2 *must communicate *must have mic * only 31+ For completion purposes And only Templar and exotic chest cp Gt:popup2472000
Need 5 for normal bridge cp msg for invite gt same as above
Lvl 32 titan inv crota hard gamertag same as above
Need 4 hard atheon gt sane ad above
Crota norm cp on crota
Will swordbear for normal or hard crota cp msg me if u need help i am a 32 hunter with gally
29 warlock looking for fresh, normal vog. Invite me. Gt same as above.
Hard atheon cp 3 needed
Need one more for Nightfall. 30+ at priest now message Truu Skillz
Lv 32 heavy ammo plus ghorn. Invite Rg blackcat lo for crota Will run sword
I need 3 more 31+ for Atheon Hard Checkpoint message for invite
Need 4 more people to do hard mode crotas end. Crota checkpoint. Must be 32. Must have ghorn or hunger of Crota. Must have mic. Message for invite.
Need 4 more people to do hard mode crotas end. Crota checkpoint. Must be 32. Must have ghorn or hunger of Crota. Must have mic. Message for invite.
Need 5 for Crota's End on hard, fresh. Message FortyTwo42 for an invite and please be level 32.
Need 5 for gatekeeper cp on hard, msg for inv
Xbox 360 vog oracles normal have mic 28+
Fresh VOG normal message for invite gt same as above need 4
Hard atheon cp msg for inv gt is same