originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Hard atheon cp msg for inv gt is same
Need 2 32s for crota hard Msg AGC Twitch
Lvl 31 Hunter looking to do vog normal
32 hunter / sword bearer looking to help you out. Msg AGC Twitch
Hosting Gorgon maze cp on hard giveaway message in game for inv for 360
Hard atheon cp. Msg for invite
Need 2 for gatekeeper cp hard. MSG gt above
Need 2 more for Crota at Crota cp Also need a sword carrier Gt: EZ MONEY98
Need 4 lvl 30+ to go gatekeeper hard co my gt is hamar13 msg me msg me
Hosting fresh crota normal msg GT same as above for inv
Have hard Templar checkpoint. Join for a chance to win fatebringer.
31 titan for crota hard cp msg for invite gt same as above
Need 3 for crota fresh normal 31+ message gt above for inv need 1 swordbearer
Hosting FRESH Hard crota Must have Mic 31+ only meassage me on Xbox live for inv gt same as above
Hosting FRESH Hard crota Must have Mic 31+ only meassage me on Xbox live for inv gt same as above
Need 4 for crota hard fresh run message gt above for invite 32s only
need 3 players for Templar check point hard mode
Needing to do VOG hard templar cp with my 32 hunter and 31 warlock have maxed gally and icebreaker. Msg me on 360 OverdosedPirate
Need 1 for hard oracles gt: Gpopmcgooster
Need two players crota cp
Giving out Gordon checkpoints to anyone I won't be doing the raid but the checkpoint is here for anyone Message OutragedMaple for an invite
Need 2 for hard VoG fresh gt: Gpopmcgooster
Need 4 for Crota hard cp. 31+ only. Gt same as username. Need a sword bearer.
Edited by Stonermeta1: 4/27/2015 4:54:38 AMNeed 4 for Crota cp normal gt above
Fresh vog hard msg HOS3R 3H