originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Fresh vog hard msg HOS3R 3H
Level 31 Titan looking to do Hard VOG Or Normal Crota's End I do have a Maxed Hunger Gt is same as Above message me if you have room.
Need 5 more for vog Templar checkpoint. Msg me gt same as above
(no mic but can hear fireteam) 32 any class willing to help with either raid on normal or hard. Message gt above if you need a player.
Normal CROTA cp 30+ must have mic. Same as above Xbox 360
Looking for five 30+ people to run VoG hard fresh. GT: Nathanual
Need 1 for crota hard cp 32+ . Must have gally or hunger gt same as above
crota normal checkpoint on crota need 5 and swordbearer gt is same as above
Crota normal cp 30+ need 5 will need sword bearer msg gt StarKiller x13 for invite
Need 4 for normal crota Message me Gt: stayxchillen Crota checkpoint
need 2 more for vog normal. templar cp. message ViiX PsyCoTiiX for invite
Need 4 for hard vog gatekeeper cp. Message for invite. Gt same
Crota hard fresh. Level [b]31+[/b]. Must have [b]experience[/b] and [b]mic[/b]. Gt: [b]rageingmaniac[/b]
Looking for five 30+ people to run VoG hard fresh. GT: Nathanual
Need two warlocks with self res for oracles cp on hard vog message for inv
Need 5 for Crota fresh on normal message me GT karrick250
Need one more for crota hard crota cp. message: narwhalreborn for invite
32 looking for fresh team for vog hard message GhostSold1er99
End of crota's end hard need 4 ppl lvl 31-32
Hello I'm Omnigul! Message me for invite to VOG normal Must be level 28 or higher... Must have mic Gt is ENDERBORN75
Need 4 for crota hard deathsinger checkpoint msg xDUGxRULESx for invite
Need 1 for nightfall. Message charism4 for invite:
Hard vog Templar checkpoint. Message for invite.
Crota's End Hard I have a checkpoint for the last Part (The crota Fight) We need a SwordBearer please message me for an invite my gamertag is TwistedFuzion
32 Hunter looking for fresh normal Crota. I can sword bear. Gt same as username.
End of crota's end hard need 4 ppl lvl 31-32