originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
End of crota's end hard need 4 ppl lvl 31-32
CROTA hard cp 32. Must have mic. Same as above Xbox 360
Lv 32 heavy ammo plus ghorn. Invite Rg blackcat lo for crota Will run sword
Bring back pocket infinity - old
Crota normal gt above cp -
Hard crota cp need one w gally
Need 2 level 27+ with mic for VoG Hard, we already have 2 32's and a 31 and another guy. Message KingslyGamer99 for invite
Level 32 Hunter looking to run sword for any group on Crotas End (preferably Crota or Deathsinger cp) Gt same msg me if you need me
Lv 32 warlock looking for crota hard FRESH RUN. Don't have gally or hunger but I got truth and Ice breaker. Message keyblademastr22 and I'll join your fireteam. Willing to do atheon hard checkpoint too
Crota's End Hard I have a checkpoint for the last Part (The crota Fight) We need a SwordBearer please message me for an invite my gamertag is TwistedFuzion
Nightfall 1 slot open 31+ gt: JohnboysRevenge
Looking for people to do vaults of glass normal Got 4 people already message KiCkbutt2761 for invite.
Fresh crota on normal . Message gt above for inv im a 32 hunter
Need 3 Crota cp hard gt same need sword bearer
Inv ixipoohbearixi can swordbear 32 hunter warlock and titan max gjallarhorn
Fresh Hard Crota Level 32's only Message me on 360 for inv Shazam Swagger
Hosting Crota Checkpoint Hard Experienced players please 32's Need Ghally Message me at SILOAMSLAYTER
Need 3 lvl 31+ to do hard crota on crota my gt is hamar13
Lvl 31 Hunter with experience looking to finish hard CE CP. Maxed weapons IB, and DB ready to deliver the blow! GT eyetek2020
Crota hard cp 32+ need Titans and good swordbearer must b expierenced message gt above for inv
Normal fresh CE. 29+ message gamertag above for invite
Need three for hard atheon msg badassyeti for invite
Livestreaming Ce hard 32s only msg unityxvoidz for inv hurry
Hosting templar cp on hard 30+ Mssg me for inv
Need 5 for Crota fresh on normal. Will need a 32 for sword but otherwise 30+ is fine. Please have experience and a mic and a decent rocket. Message PaulyB1273 for inv
Need Hard Templar or fresh. Inv casual drastic
Need 3, CROTA FRESH NORMAL Already have a swordbearer Message me ON XBOX for invite GT: same as above *must have a mic AND a TRACKING rocket* 30+ please :)