originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need three VoG norm fresh. Need relic holder. Message Artex196 for invite.
Looking for hard Crota CP, maxed out gjallarhorn's. Me and my friend are 33 and 34. Gt is same, inv me.
Need 5 for normal CE, msg gt above for inv
Need two more brave souls to face the Trials of Osiris with me! Looking to go flawless again, but not at the cost of my good attitude! Leave your negativity in Orbit, Guardians. Sorry, but you must be 34 and be at least decent in the Crucible. Message GT above for inv, and don't be a jerk!
VoG hard fresh message above name for invite
Vault of glass first time got destiny at Christmas then went off it only just started playing again I'm level 24
Need 4 for crota normal fresh Gt same as above
Need one for weekly night fall
Looking to do VoG or Crota on hard Gt same lvl 33
Need 2 for 34 PoE
Hosting fresh vog normal. Msg me on xbox 360 gt as above.
[quote]Need swordbearer. Message MCburito775 for invite.[/quote]
Crota hard fresh msg gt same
Crota fresh normal friend me
Need 4 for crotas end. Need players with experience. Also need sword bearer.
Edited by A Eggnog: 8/23/2015 1:36:57 AMNeed 4 for Hard Crota's End Deathsinger checkpoint. Also need an experienced swordbearer. Must be 34 and know what to do. NO SQUEAKERS. Gt same as above.
Need 2 for 35 PoE
Looking for people to do VOG hard, message Aloosepoop or XxJager13xX
Need two for 34 Poe to finish elder cipher. Gt is the same I'm a 34 Hunter with good weapons
Crota Hard. Crota checkpoint. Need 3. Experience or you're not coming in, it's late and I'm not staying up all night. Message Ozdayboy.
Need one 34 for trials, must be good Gt: o MAD ZOMBIEZ o
Need 5 lvl 32 or up for vog fresh hard message bosshog 1080 for invite
Edited by NeutralSenpai: 8/22/2015 4:12:36 AMNeed people Xbox 360 for Croatas end Mics preferably... Message me at UnknownMaster13
Need 4 do for normal vog, message me for inv Gt: o MAD ZOMBIEZ o
Edited by guitarlOvR23: 8/21/2015 5:08:42 PMI'm a level 31 Warlock Xbox 360 friend request me at GuitarlOvR23 I need to do vog I have no Wi-Fi right now but I'll accept your request and invite you asap
Vog fresh UnboltingCarp38 for inv in game