originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 3, CROTA FRESH NORMAL Already have a swordbearer Message me ON XBOX for invite GT: same as above *must have a mic AND a TRACKING rocket* 30+ please :)
Need 1 for Vault of Chuckles. GT same as above
Need 4 for hard crota cp gt ^^
Recruiting for trials of Osiris. It will be a competitive multiplayer mode. Message me if you want to join team of 50 people to make sure we get all the gear Top 50 will be on the team to compete in the competitive multiplayer mode for the best of the best see you guardians Out on The battlefield p.s. U get Limited addition codes for special emblems
Crota on normal message for invite gt same as above please be level 30+
Deathsinger cp normal 30+ need track rockets
Hard vog Templar checkpoint. 32 hunter with Ghorn. Message me for invite.
Need 4 for fresh VOG normal
Hosting Crota Checkpoint Normal Experienced players please 32's Need HOC or Ghally Message me at SILOAMSLAYTER
Level 30 Warlock looking for hard Atheon checkpoint. Inv me if you are doing it and already have team but have a space. Gamer tag is same as name.
32 Hunter Swordbearer that needs to do Corta fresh on normal. I have maxed Hunge and Icebreaker Gt same as above
Need 2 32s for hard deathsinger cp have good weapons
Hosting Crota Checkpoint Normal Experienced players please 32's Need HOC or Ghally Message me at SILOAMSLAYTER
Need two for nightfall 30+ gt same
Looking for 3 more for VOG normal Message same GT for invite!!
Crota Hard final checkpoint 2 guys more GT: acerman20
32 warlock. Got ce bridge cp on normal. 31+ message in Xbox. Gt same as display
Hard vog fresh 31 + Must have experience Gt same as above
Hard vog fresh 31 + Must have experience Gt same as above
Need 1 for fresh hard Crotas end. Message for invite: bossbryan11
Need 2 atheon norm cp gt same messafe for inv
Need 1 for fresh hard Crotas end. Message for invite: bossbryan11
need 4 for crota hard cp msg SUPREMExKILLAH
Edited by Basic Reloads: 4/26/2015 8:53:18 PMFresh Crota raid norm LF 1 31+ need one for be sword-bearer msg me GT: Basic Reloads
Deathsinger hard
Looking for fresh VOG normal Level 30 warlock Gt same as above!!!