originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Looking for fresh VOG normal Level 30 warlock Gt same as above!!!
Need 1 for Templar on hard 30+ Msg xLEGITxDUBSTEPx for inv
Oracle cp hard need 4 message gt above for invite
End of crota's end hard need 1 ppl lvl 32
Fresh hard crota 32 only message ohaykay for inv
Looking for sword bearer normal crota! Message same GT for inv
Hosting Crota Checkpoint Hard Experienced players please 5 32's Need HOC or Ghally Need swordbearer (Hunter) Would like Titans for Distraction Message me at SILOAMSLAYTER
Hard vog conflux cp before oracles and Templar message EasyR72 for invite
I'm wanting to run a newbie through vault of glass normal if anyone would like to join. please message me for invite. level and class
ironbat0806n. need a group to do hard crota cp
LF VoG Hard Team at Templar CP. Exp Level 32 Warlock & Hunter. GT Perverse Tongue
Edited by NormalRhombus3: 4/26/2015 7:56:38 PMVog hard Atheon co need 2 31+ msg above gt for invite
Need three for hard deathsinger lvl 32 only msg gordondw9 for invite
Hosting a Fresh Normal Mode Crota *MUST BE AT LEAST LEVEL 30!!! Message for an invite
Hosting a Fresh Normal Mode Crota *MUST BE AT LEAST LEVEL 30!!! Message for an invite
Fresh hard crota
Need 5 for normal bridge cp 30+ msg for inv
Templar cp On Hard Message uptownblock need full team 30+
Hosting fresh vog normal msg me for invite
Hard Crota checkpoint Need 5 32 Must have gally or hoc
Lv 32 heavy ammo plus ghorn. Invite Rg blackcat lo for crota Will run sword
Need 4 more for VOG hard gate keeper cp message for inv
Hosting Crota hard cp. Must be 32 and have experience. Need 3. Message PinkSum37346503 for invite.
Need 3 for vog normal fresh Get same as above
Hosting Crota Checkpoint Hard Experienced players please 5 32's Need HOC or Ghally Need swordbearer (Hunter) Would like Titans for Distraction Message me at SILOAMSLAYTER
Hosting Crota Checkpoint Hard Experienced players please 5 32's Need HOC or Ghally Need swordbearer (Hunter) Would like Titans for Distraction Message me at SILOAMSLAYTER