originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need a swordbearer for crota hard cp. Msg cliche is okay for inv.
crota normal need 3 bride check
[b]NEVRxSTOPxSHOOTING[/b] That's us, We started off small to make sure we only had experienced, skilled members but now for House of Wolves come near we decided to expand. We are active and quick to give support to new members. All new members will be taken through a raid to get Flawless Raider and the Raiding Party achievements. Some minor joining requirements: - 17yr+ - xbox 360 - raid experienced - at least one lvl 31 character - mic If you wanna meet me or an admin before joining feel free to msg me and we can get acquainted over some strikes or somethen.
Crota hard cp 32+ need Titans and swordbearers message gt above for inv
Crota hard cp 32+ need Titans and swordbearers message gt above for inv
Voghard message for invite
Need 5 for VOG hard. Starting from oracles, message Midnight Talon for inv
hard crota cp-32's only message MrsLoonyPenguin for invite:]
Looking for five people to do hard vog I have gate keeper cp message Pheonix6768 for inv
Normal Gatekeeper for fun Gt: ChewKing7634
Fresh crota hard 32 only unless you have g-horn Message for invite
Looking for 2 people for VoG hard. We are at oracle checkpoint. We have a first timer so be must have patience. Message JJROCKS917 for an invite :)
Crota cp hard 31+
VOG on hard fresh need 4 more Gt: shadow44778
Need 4 for VoG HARD FRESH! Must be 31+ and experienced. Message LOZ MIESTER on 360 for an invite
Vog hard fresh run gt Y0ungWaltDisney
Vog hard fresh run gt Y0ungWaltDisney
Looking to do VOG on hard
Need a team for atheon hard cp get same as name
Confleuxes hard cp, all I ask is you know what to do :) message Striumph for invite
Crota hard 32s only msg 4 inv swordbearers welcome Gt same as above
Crota cp normal need 5
Need 5 Normal Crota Fresh, 30+, mic preffered, gt as above, msg for invite
Need one 32 with max gally for Crota normal cp help. I am helping some people that are lower levels get through it and we need firepower to take down Crotas shield so if anyone will help that would be great
32 warlock looking for Templar hard cp invite gt above
Level 31 warlock who has hard crota cp Need help Gt same as above msg for invite