originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Level 31 warlock who has hard crota cp Need help Gt same as above msg for invite
Need 2 for hard atheon cp. must be lvl 31.
Gorgon maze cp on hard giveaway message in game for inv for 360
Deathsinger hard checkpoint. Need 4. Message me for invite. Gamertag same as above
LF 4 guardians for fresh normal crota. Msg:MLGpeanutbutter
Hosting fresh crota normal message me for invite
Need 1 fresh vault on HARD. Gt: Monkey Man0011
Need 4 or 5 for crota nm fresh start xbl gt is cRACKdaDDe
Need 1 for normal crota cp
Vog normal fresh start gt is "kaotic tempest" message for invite
Need 2 for fresh hard vog. Two 32s and two 31s. Two of us have ghorns. Lvl 31 minimum. Message FlaminMythicXIV for inv.
Crota cp on normal msg for inv
Deathsinger CP, looking for Sword. Message The Dorky Dingo
Lvl 31 hunter with icebreaker and dragons breath, looking to do vog normal or hard message Bryson87 if you want to invite
Fresh Hard Crota Level 31's + Message me on 360 for inv PashaTheGreatHD
Crota cp 2 more needed must be 32 only! Message me for invite gt same as name sword bearer needed
Crota hard cp 32 only have gally or hoc. Need swordbearer. Message for invite. Will except 31s if they have gally
CROTA hard cp 32 one more spot. Must have mic. Same as above Xbox 360
Templar checkpoint hard need 5 gt above thanks
Vog hard Gorgon cp 31+ must have mic. Same as above xbox 360
Need 3 for Hard VoG gatekeeper cp message WebbedCrowd3 for invite
Need 3 for fresh VOG Normal msg CrackedxDestiny for inv
Ce normal deathsinger cp gt is "kaotic tempest" message for invite
Normal gatekeeper cp, msg for inv
Need 2 lvl 32 for hard vog at templar