originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 2 lvl 32 for hard vog at templar
Need two for fresh hard vog gt qualitypain
Need 3 for a fresh VoG hard run. Gamer tag same as name, message me for an invite!
Hosting Crota Normal Fresh Experienced players please 30+ players Need swordbearer Message me at SILOAMSLAYTER
Lvl 32 hunter looking to do hard VOG GT: same as above
Looking for 5 for hard Crota bridge checkpoint. Need Swordbearer and tracking rockets. 32s preferably so we can get it done. Also I am a 31 but I have done this raid (on hard) before so don't think I'm a scrub. MSG the GT above for an invite.
Crota's End Crota cp on hard looking for five more people who are experienced and will not rage quit.
Hosting Crota Normal Fresh Experienced players please 30+ players Need swordbearer Message me at SILOAMSLAYTER
Edited by Kneedeep200: 4/26/2015 1:29:40 AMneed 2 for crota normal fresh. message kneedeep200 for inv
Edited by Contest5: 4/26/2015 1:32:53 AMI need 1 more level 30+ player for VoG hard Atheon checkpoint message for invite
CE hard Gt- same as above Need lvl 32s ONLY Mic and tracking needed Need swordbearer also Thx
Anyone need a sword bearer for normal raid? 32 hunter with gally willing to help. Can run relic on hard with warlock. If needed just don't have anything to Regen health on my hunter
VOG heroic GT- XGold3nxChildX Need 2 guardians On atheon
Need 4 more for fresh vog raid on easy send msg for invite.. gt madmark72
Crota Normal Level 31+ Must have mic Have experience Fresh Start GT same as above message me on Xbox Live
Edited by shamkazam123: 4/25/2015 11:56:17 PMCrota hard cp gt same
Need 3 lvl 32s for crota hard crota checkpoint titans and swordbears needed Xbox 360 message xs2nx SaVaGe for invite
Need two for crota normal cp msg gordondw9 for invite
Need two for crota normal cp msg gordondw9 for invite
Need a sword bearer on hard message killbrass
Willing to help on anything message GT: Storm1ng Kn1ght
Looking for hard Crota max gally lvl32 warlock gt same as above
Need 2 for Crota cp on normal, msg DinoOriginal for an inv
Hard Crota checkpoint looking for sword bearer gt same as top
Crota hard cp Plz 32 recommended
Hosting a fresh Crota on normal. Gt same message on xbl for invite.