originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 5 for Athlon hard cp +31 gt same
Hard vog ask for in
Hard crota cp need 3 plus sword must be 32 with max gally or hoc
Crota normal cp 31+ message for invite
Normal deathsinger cp need 5 msg gordondw9 for invite
Need 1 for hard Templar cp
[quote]Crota cp on hard. Need 5 and one needs to be a sword bearer. Gt same as above for invite.[/quote]
Lf3m for hard Atheon. Have HoC or Ghorn, level 30+.
Atheon hard cp need 1
Crota hard cp need sword runner, titan and 3 others. Must have tracking exp with raid and a mic. Msg on xbox for inv.
Hard DEATHSINGER cp need 3 more 32 preferably with max hoc or ghorn. All experienced. Thanks :D
Crota norm fresh gt CrispyxDefile ps pls no rare rockets
VOG normal msg for inv
Hard crota checkpoint, level 31/32, must have tracking rockets! Message Striumph for invite :)
Need one for vog hard Atheon cp msg ploptart75 for inv
VOG normal msg for inv
VOG normal msg for inv
Hard Atheon checkpoint, 31+, please be experienced, message for invite. (Sorry to those who couldn't join earlier, the fireteam was full).
Vog hard gatekeeper cp 31 +
Need people for hard crota CP gt:same as nams
Need 4 for hard vog fresh - 30+ preferred - Msg me for inv gt is above
Vog fresh normal 26+ I don't have a mic so we will need some msg Duadcor for inv
Looking for 3 ppl to do crota norm we have crota cp pz msg for inv im trying to help lower lvl friend plz msg gt same as name
Need 3 more lv27+ for Fresh VoG Normal msg GT : L3000sw for inv
VOG Hard Level 31+ Must have mic Have experience Templar Checkpoint GT same as above message me on Xbox Live
Vog hard gorgon cp need experienced players