originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Vog hard gorgon cp need experienced players
Vog normal gt: JACKSONATOR24
Bring back pocket infinity - old
Crota cp gt above -
Crota end normal crota cp 30+ msg me gt same as above
CROTA NORM CROTA CHP. NEED SWORDBEARER message Morsecode123 for invite
Need two for nightfall GT: BrentRF msg for invite
Edited by War Machine x2: 4/25/2015 6:53:15 PMNeed 3 for fresh VOG Hard Message sloshedpumpkin 4 invite
Need an experienced sword bearer for hard Crota cp msg for invite
Need 2 for hard VOG at gatekeepers message shadowfax00 to join
CROTA NORM FRESH message Morsecode123 for invite
Hosting crota hard check point 32 only need a experienced sword bear get same as above
Lvl 28 hunter with max jelly looking to do Crota norm even if it's just the first part to get some armor experienced but too low of a level msg last Sontaran if you can help me
Crota *Hard* FRESH Lvl 31+ Must be experienced Must have mic NEED GALLI OR HUNGER WITH TRACKING Must be mature, don't care if you ARE a kid, just don't act like one. Msg me in game for inv GT above
Hi I'm a 32 sword bearer with max ghorn looking to help people with hard and normal crota my gamertag: TocoBro
Hosting conflux cp, Lv 30 +, gt same as above
Crota's End HM Crota CP Lvl 32 w/ experience only Swordbearer needed Msg Grimlock1209 for invite
Doing Deathsinger on normal, xbox 360, need mic and experience lvl 30 and up, invite my friend at SoccerStar112k
Need a sword bearer for crota hard on 360
Crota CP hard Need 2, 31/32 GT same as above
Crotas End Normal CP Need experience Need gali Lvl 30+ need mic Msg in game for inv GT above
Need someone to run the sword on hard message: Milleychicken
Hard fresh crota GT:same as name
Crota's End HM Crota CP Lvl 32 w/ experience only Swordbearer needed Msg Grimlock1209 for invite
Need a sword bearer for crota hard on 360 and one other person
Need 5 for Normal Vault Of Glass. Im a level 28. Xbox 360. Message for inv ^^^^
Need team to do Crota norm carry lvl 28 through