originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need people 31+ for Crota hard Crota checkpoint msg for inv gt Forzania
Need people 31+ for Crota hard msg for inv gt Forzania
fresh vog hard Msg OG Jxson for inv
Hosting VoG fresh Msg EvanThe6reat for an invite
VOG hard fresh, 30+ message drums44
Hard crota fresh message me for invite 32s only will need a good sword-bearer
Looking for any normal Crota raids. GT is awsumdavid
Need 4 for Vault of Glass hard Gatekeeper checkpoint. Level 30+ must have experience. MSG: Zaykohh for an invite
Need 1 for nightfall 30 and up msg for inv
Hard Crota fresh get the same all 32s
32 Titan with Gjallarhorn, will help with Crota Or Atheon. Message me if you need help. Username = Gamertag
VOG Hard Level 31+ Must have mic Have experience Gatekeeper checkpoint GT same as above message me on Xbox Live
Need 4 lvl 32s for hard crota checkpoint message Shaneinatour on Xbox 360. We need a swordbearer. Must have hunger or ghorn maxed
Need people 31+ for Crota hard msg for inv gt Forzania
Will swordbear for normal or hard crota cp msg me if u need help i am a 32 hunter with gally
Need 3 for vog hard gatekeeper cp get same as name
VOG hard .... Conflux CP need 4 msg XbL GT: MegaKipz
Vog hard fresh 31+ must have mic. Same as above xbox 360
Need 2 experienced players for vog hard conflux cp
Looking for 3 32 players for crota on hard CP at Crota GT : SuspectWinter67
Looking for 3 32 players for crota on hard CP at Crota GT : SuspectWinter67
Need people with experience for atheon hard message me for invite
Need 1 for VOG hard legions cp Lvl 30+ Msg me for invite Gt same as above
Looking for gorgon hard cp giveaway for chests. Gt same.
360 raid VOG hard atheon cp msg optimusllprimex for invite
Hosting Crota Normal, FRESH Will need a swordbearer Message Xfallenangls9X for invite!