originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Anyone need a Swordbearer? I'm your guy. I'll join in on normal or hard Crota cp. Gt same, msg me if you need me.
Hard Templar, need 2 more. Msg for inv
Normal Atheon cp. 30+ Msg :Zaykohh
Manlyman1191 and 3 people for hard vault of glass
Looking for fresh crota or vog on hard. Gt is the same as above
Looking for a hard crota team I'm a level 32 Titan with plenty of experience
Level 31 hunter Fresh crota normal Message me for invite Gt: Ryangodzilla
Need 1 hard atheon
32 swordbearer looking to help with Crota normal cp invite me
Level 31 hunter Fresh crota normal Message me for invite Gt: Ryangodzilla
[quote]Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)[/quote] Gt manlyman1191 we need 3 people
Lvl 31 warlock looking for VOG oracles or Templar cp gt same as name
Vog hard Templar cp message RPG xRemiX
Recruiting for trials of Osiris. It will be a competitive multiplayer mode. Message me if you want to join team of 50 people to make sure we get all the gear Top 50 will be on the team to compete in the competitive multiplayer mode for the best of the best see you guardians Out on The battlefield
Vog hard Templar cp message PRG xRemiX
Vog hard Templar cp message PRG xRemiX
Vog hard Templar cp message PRG xRemiX
Need a swordbearer for fresh hard Crota. Message S N O W LM A N.
I am a normal crota sword bear if anyone needs one message me gt same as above
32 warlock looking for fresh vog run on hard. Message Apocalobster.
32 hunter with lots of experience doing all things looking to help whoever invites me first. GT same as above
Need a swordbearer for fresh hard Crota. Message S N O W LM A N.
Crota Hard Checkpoint 32's only HOC or Ghally Message me at SILOAMSLAYTER
CE on hard, death singer cp, lvl 32+ with ghorn or hunger, need SB message gt above for inv
Lf4m hard crota cp need sword bearer gt bloodpanther
Need a team for crota