originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 5 level 31+, level 32 preferred for hard crota cp. Also need an experienced swordbearer
Need people 30+ for full vog normal msg for inv Forzania
Vog hard gatekeeper, msg me or reply for invite gt same as above.
Looking to help people who need swordbearer Can 2 sword hard mode Gt: same as above Hard or normal Must have CP
Need two level 31+ for atheon hard with oracle disruption weapons,
Need people 30+ for full vog normal msg for inv Forzania
Crota hard Lv32 Need 3 Death singer cp Gt same as above
Gt same as above. If u need help with any raid on hard hit me up Lvl 32 hunter and warlock
Need people 30+ for Crota checkpoint normal msg for inv Forzania
Looking for two more vog hard Atheon co 30+ please
Need three people for VOG hard message me for invite
Crota Hard Level 32+ Must have tracking rockets Must have mic Have experience Fresh start GT same as above message me on Xbox Live
Xbox 360 Crota's End Hard Cp Need 4 more and sword bearer No Kinder Guardians GT-Faded Fantazy Message for invite 32s Only
Have 3 need 3 for crota hard fresh
Anyone up for gta 5 series A heist msg me for invite
Need 5 with experience for fresh normal VOG msg for invite gt same as above
Need people 30+ for Crota checkpoint normal msg for inv Forzania
Crota hard fresh Xbox one
Need 3 more for hard vault of glass FRESH! Gt is same as above, message me for an invite.
Fresh normal crota gamer tag above level 32 only please also need sworbearer
CROTA *NORMAL* FRESH Lvl 30+ Must be experienced Must have mic Must be mature, don't care if you ARE a kid, just don't act like one. Msg me in game for inv
Need a sword bearer for hard Crota
Vog hard gatekeeper cp 31+ msg gt above
Room for 2 crota hard cp. Message for invite. gt above
Crota hard cp. Message for invite. gt above
Crota hard cp need 3 with tracking (Xbox1)