originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Crota hard cp need 3 with tracking (Xbox1)
Crota hard cp. Need swordbearer only. Message for INV.
Need three for crota hard cp gt same above
Crota cp hard. Room for 4, need sword bearer as well. Message for invite. Gt above
Need 4 for VoG Templar on hard. Please be experienced. Message me on XBL for an invite.
Need 4 for hard Atheon cp
Need 5 for Crota's End on normal, fresh. Message FortyTwo42 for an invite.
Need one for hard Templar cp, gt same as above
Normal crota cp message ohaykay for inv
Normal VOG, need someone who knows what to do, atheon checkpoint, message me GT same
Need 2 players for VOG hard message I Taaz I for a inv on xbox 360
looking for a team of 32's to help run fresh hard CE unless someone has Crota CP. GT Emacryan. Message for inv.
32 warlock hard crota cp trying to beat this fast message gt above for inv
Edited by ZOMBI3 HUNT3R 6: 4/24/2015 8:22:29 PMNeed 4 for hard gorgon cp chest available gt same
Doing Crotas End Normal must be 31+ with maxed gally or hunger mic needed with at least with one self resurrect warlock gt same message for inv
Need 2 for hard death singer cp, message me : TitanBlade1 for invite
looking for a team of 32's to help run fresh hard CE unless someone has Crota CP. GT Emacryan. Message for inv.
Need 2 for Nightfall 31+ Exp Mic Gt as above
NIGHTFALL NEED 2 level 30 and up gt same as above
GT: awsumdavid looking for a fireteam for normal VOG
Need 5 for Crota's End on normal, fresh. Message FortyTwo42 for an invite.
Normal Crota 30+ fresh GT same as above
Hosting fresh crota raid normal on 360 lvl 30+ msg for inv gt is same
Doing crota norm for fun gt above
Level 32 hunter Level 27 warlock Level 28 Titan Looking to do VOG and or crota :p GT:Zymfreak